Chapter 2

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I woke up to the sound of a car door slamming and light coming through the window. Soon the door next to me was opened by Butch. "Good morning little lady. Welcome to your new home." Without even asking, Butch grabbed me and helped me out of the truck. "This way Little Lady, you must meet the Alpha." I followed along, knowing resisting would get me nowhere.

Maybe the King will let me go home. As we were walking away from the car and towards a house, I couldn't help but notice how different this place is from home. There's no walls, no guards, no market, and the air seemed lighter. "What is this place? Where is the King?" Butch stopped and gave me a questioning look.

"What do you mean Little Lady? This is the pack. The Alpha and his family live in the main house along with his second in command. You already met his son, the young master. Is this not how your pack is?" I held my tongue, remembering my dads last words and not sure what to tell Butch. I need to talk to the... alpha first.

We soon entered the house and I was overwhelmed with all the noise of people talking. When I made it through the doors everyone's head shot in my direction and the noise grew. "Quiet! We have a guest!" My head shot up to the stairs where a tall and slender man with black hair stood. He radiated overwhelming power, and I found myself frozen in fear.

When he looked over at me, I curtsied in hopes to not upset him. "Butch, you are done here. I will take the girl." Butch nodded and lightly pushed me forward before he turned around and left the house. I crossed my hands behind my back and slowly walked towards the stairs. When I got to the foot of the steps the door slammed open and that boy came in.

"Liam! Behave yourself! When I am done speaking to our guest I want to see you in the office on how you handled the situation." Liam gave me an apologetic look before nodding and walking off. "This way child." I looked up at the... Alpha and followed him up the stairs. Once we got into the office, the Alphas persona changed.

"Please sit child, make yourself comfortable." I walked over to a pair of couches facing each other and sat down. The Alpha sat across from me and let out a sigh. "Before we start, could you tell me your name and any questions you might have?" I nodded and sat up straight. "My name is Rosalyn Floros and I have a few questions."

I paused, waiting to make sure it was really okay to speak. "First, why do they call you Alpha? Second, what is your name, or should I just call you Alpha? Third, why is your village so much unlike a village? Lastly, why did my father have to die?" The Alpha left out another sigh.

"Well I'm the leader of the pack, I run everything and keep everyone safe. I'm sorry for not introducing myself, I thought Butch would tell you more on the way here. My name is Steven Drake, you can call me Steven if you like. The village structure your father used is no longer how packs work." I stared at him, waiting for him to answer the last question.

"Why did my father have to die?" Steven looked over to the side as if trying to figure out an escape. "Your father... He broke some important rules. I would rather hold off on telling you what he did. How about you start adjusting to your new life here, first? What sort of things did you do at your old pack? I'll see if there's anything you could also do here."

"I spent my time studying and training. My brother was to be the next King but my sister and I are required to rule if he is unable to. I preferred to learn how to fight, even if my mother was against it." Steven leaned closer as if he could get more out of me.

"You have siblings? Why would your mother be against you fighting?" I felt the lump in my chest as I thought of Rosy. "Yes I have an older brother and a twin sister. How long are you planning on keeping me here? I need to be with her!" The words fell out of my mouth before I could stop them.

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