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Keryia2 this  is for you ❤️

"You see that's why I'm here, to show you I'm not


My eyes slowly opened as those last moments with Cassie played in my mind. The light was bright making my vision blurry.

My body bared an unbearable pain but I wasn't dead although it felt like I needed to be.

I sat up with my head hanging heavy , I was super drugged up to keep the pain at a minimum but it didn't do much but make me feel loopy.

I pulled my even heavier legs down to dangle off the island.

"Ahhhh". I whined as I stepped down , my feet dragged on the hard wood floor.

"Mommy". I cried out.

Every step I made towards the door felt like it was leading me too my death.

I finally made it to the steps where a figure emerged in front of me.

My eye sight wasn't the clearest but the touch rang a million bells.


"I'm right here Stefano".

"What happened , they kilt Cassie , oh my god Ma I'm sorry I- I didn't know It was nothing, I could do it was nothing I could do".

Alissa's pov

"Shhh it's okay Stefano it's not your fault okay". I spoke calmly to him as I brushed his hair out his face.

"Iyanna how much morphine did you give him?"

"4 doses, is that a bad thing?"

"Well he's spiraling , he woke up in a cold sweat and I can feel his body heat pulsating off his body".

Stefano had now had his head leant on my shoulder as I supported the rest of his fragile body wit my hands.

"Ma I'm in a lot of pain right now".

He slurred his words.

"I know baby but your doing so good right now you hear me, you are so strong for your wife for your child and I am so proud of you and I'm sorry for not being there when it mattered most but I'm here now and I will protect you Stefano even if I die doing it". I spoke into his ear.

"This is why I shouldn't of done this, I gave him to much and now he's dying even quicker". Iyanna spoke frantically.

"Iyanna I need you to look at me and listen to me". She turnt attentively to look at me.

"Stefano is not going to die he just needs to sleep the rest of these meds off and I need you to pull yourself together".

"Stefano's in no condition to worry about you or the baby right now which means I have to worry about both of you and if you put yourself into a panic attack you put the baby at risk so please stay calm while I get him situated".

I said looking down at the heavy body that leaned across mine.

"Okay now Stef you've already lost a lot of blood making you feel really cold right now so we have to get you somewhere , where you can sit and rest and be warm okay?"

He shook his head in agreement.


He lifted his head up as I gentle placed his arm over me to help him walk to the couch. His face screwed up in pain as we walked.

Before we reached the couch he stopped.

"My wife, m-my wife, I have a wife an-and she's pregnant".

"I'm gonna be a dad". He smiled small despite the situation he was in.

"I'm happy for you Stefano".

I tried to continue walking but he wouldn't move.

Instead he shook his head slowly.

"Where's my wife , I have to make sure she's okay, the baby, Ruiz". He faded on that last part, I could tell it was him about to spiral again from how much morphine he had took in.

"Iyanna get over and hold your husbands hand before he lashes out thinking you've been killed".

Iyanna scurried over as fast as her pregnant body allowed her.

"I'm here too Stefano". He loosened up once he felt her touch.

It was like a knot untying , Iyanna was what really soothed him.

"The baby". He spoke breathlessly.

"The baby's fine, we both are, now let's get you some rest."

He continued to walk as we slowly sat him down on the couch.

I pulled a blanket out the closet as Iyanna slowly moved Stefano to lay on her.

His eyes was close as he laid his head on her chest and his hand on her belly.

I tossed the blanket over both of them.

Once I saw Stefano was sleep I gave him another shot.

"What's that?"

"Butorphanol, it's to cancel out the morphine and help him sleep and it's gonna actually relieve some of that pain he's feeling".

"So if you knew this why didn't you do this instead of having me do it?"

I scoffed.

" You think having a just graduate med student operate on my son in his house was my first chose?"

"He fought me on taking him to a real hospital and insisted you were the best who could do it and look you did he's not dead".

"He clearly didn't trust me with that job". I trailed off to myself.

Iyanna looked down at Stefano who laid on her sleep.

Sadness covered her face.

"I remember when his father got his first big one".

"Came home three in the morning a mess, he had blood that wasn't his on him".

"But the wounds he did get you could forget about it I didn't even know how he was standing there and talking to me".

"And I remember that same look being on my face, the look of sadness seeing the person you love in so much pain and going through so much torture because of other peoples desires and selfishness".

"There's no book or manual on how to be a mafia wife but what I can tell you is it's a kill or be killed type of  game and you always wanna be the one who kills".

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