The Island of New Spain

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   The next day, we wake up from a good night's sleep. We were fortunate enough to step on land once again as it has been a couple weeks since our departure. Let's hope this land has resources of food as we were damn hungry. Sarah excited, "You guys, I found some apples to eat." I speak, "They all ripen?" "Some are!" "Okay, my love, will take some of them!" We kiss each other on the cheek. Derek witnesses, "Found a school of ducks near the beach here." The crewman speaks, "What are we waiting for, let's catch one at a time slowly!" The crewman stands back as Derek takes off his shirt to trap one. The one was digging the sand and he caught it successfully. Another one was sitting on the sand and it was caught as well. After, Derek takes the wood piece to cut the two ducks. I walk to our campsite, "What you caught, sailor?" "I got two ducks, about to cook them." "Alright, you trying to make a fire-pit?" "Well, sure I am!" We pile some sticks and he starts the fire by his matches he kept. Then, we gather a large stick and tie his shirt of the ducks inside to  it above the fire. After a few minutes of us holding the stick, we eat the ducks, gathering the crew. The crewman asks us, "Do you all know if we are back home yet?" Derek speaks, "I doubt it, definitely looks like an island to me!" Sarah answers too, "I believe it is, as there are many coconuts and palm trees here!" The crewman speaks, "I think we might not be alone here, guys!" Derek speaks, "I haven't seen anyone or ship here except you guys, so honestly I think no one will be trading here as well!" "Yeah, that makes sense!" As the scorching heat began in the afternoon, we plan to swim in the water except Sarah. The crew and I were having a great time, Sarah was smiling at us. The lukewarm water was refreshing on the hot, sandy beach. After, we joined Sarah and shared pirate stories.
When dusk arose, I hear soldiers riding on horses, warning my crew. I warn them, "Everyone follow me in the woods now, the soldiers don't seem American!" We walk quietly in the woods. Derek asks quietly, "Wait, how you know they are not American, Captain?" "-because the soldiers are wearing different hats." "Oh I see!" "Here is the plan so far, you and I will sneak behind them and knock them out for their horses and weapons." "That sounds a bit crazy but you sure about it, Captain!" "Yes, sailor, we are on foreign land now and must be like soldiers according to trading emergencies." "Wh-what, we are not trained to be soldiers, sir." "Did the Admiral or the commanders mentioned it to you all?" "No, the crewmen and I had no idea about such policy matters!" "I was heard that they trained you all." "Not at all, Captain! Why didn't you do something about that?" Our situation gets intense and Derek refuses to take part in my plan. The whole group was irritated about the emergency policy. No wonder why we were so easily defeated by pirates while on ship. Damn management lied to me about training them. They wanted us to feel at ease to travel to avoid the harsh realities of trading and sailing. I speak, "Stay here!" I grab a large rock and sneak behind them, throwing the rock. Their horses spook and the soldiers fall down. Quickly, one soldier tries to choke me but I grab his pistol and knock him out hardly with it. The other soldier and I were now in a duel, both of us were holding pistols. He shoots and misses me, while we were running to each other. Struggling, I try to aim the pistol to his legs. He kicks me in the knee, knocking my pistol down. I hold on to his arm and then try to turn his gun around. I grab my hat and slap him with it, making me shoot him in the leg. I knock him out after with his pistol. I wave to the group to come to me. When they arrived, I give the pieces of armor to them and wear mine. Sarah scared, "Are you crazy?" Derek upset, "Yes he is, he didn't train us as well as damn management." I speak, "Will explain more later, now we have to get moving! Sarah, you with me on one horse and Derek, you ride with the crewman!" They ignore me and we mount on the horses, heading north.
  While traveling still, Derek and the crewman were right beside us. After a moment or so, Derek asks, "Where we headed?" I speak, "Just follow me!" Then, I decide to stop and train them how to fight. The crewman confused, "Captain, why you stopped?" "I stopped so I can train you all to fight as we are on foreign land." Derek upset, "Wait, you should have trained us before our voyage, why you doing it now?" "There was a reason why management didn't train you sailors that way." "I see, why exactly?" "They wanted you all to feel such confidence and ease with the trip, so they only trained me as the Admiral was planning on to promote me to protect you, sailors." The crewman speaks, "Uh, but you were like one of us on our first trip." "Understood, however the Admiral promoted me as I had great team management skills and experience." Derek confused, "So, he wanted to fire the former Captain?" "Not really, he fired him because he didn't show compassion, trust and care for the team." "See boys, when it comes to the team leader, our actions must only follow the heart." Derek sobbing madly, "Then, why did you lied to us, uh. You invited us to work on this damn road show and we receive nothing about the truth, no open, damn communication. So, you were promoted as you came with heartfelt compassion, you lied to us, it should have been one of us for Captain." He sits down in shame and Sarah helps to cheer him up. Sarah comforts, "Now, now, it will be okay! This is why he wants to train us now as he cares for us." "Now, really? It should have been earlier!" "The reason he may have not did it earlier, was to prepare your hearts with compassion and purpose for the crew. He wanted to bond you all, breaking social barriers first. A person is stronger with their crew." Derek sighs and stays calm silently. I whisper to Sarah, "Thank you, my love!" "Your welcome!" As the horses were hot, I move them to the waves, washing them. After a moment or so passed, Derek comes to me, "So Captain, when you can train us?" "I am available to do it currently." "Im in!" I smile, "Attaboy!" I gather the crew, "So, let's begin to practice shooting!" I grab the pistols and give them to the crewman and Derek. I speak, "Practice to aim and shoot at those coconuts at a short distance! When you aim, breathe slowly and then, shoot!" The crewman missed and Derek shot one off the tree. "Nice shot, sailor!" I come to the crewman, "Again, aim and concentrate, don't overthink!" Pfft, pfft he shot one down and smiles. "Good job! Sarah, you can give it a chance to help defend us as well?" "Ah, I don't like to use guns!" "It can save our lives one day!" "I doubt it!" "This opportunity can perhaps benefit you in the future in case of emergencies." "Okay, whatever!" She aims hesitantly! I speak, "Calm, aim and concentrate on the coconut in front of us! Breathe slowly and shoot!" Pfft, pfft the coconut falls and breaks open. I congratulate, "Nice work, sailors! Using guns is crucial to help protect yourself and your crew." Now, I give them five extra bullets to help reload the pistols. "So, I will be teaching you how to reload but find cover first!" The crewman asks, "Where should we go to take cover?" "Behind the trees there, obviously!" "I see!" The crewman and Sarah goes first. They grab the extra bullets from me. "On my count, get set and go!" They dash to the trees and hide behind them to reload, dropping some bullets. "You never should drop bullets!" The crewman and Sarah come back and pick up the bullets dropped. Lastly, Derek participates and grabs some bullets. I speak, "Make sure the bullets are in your little bag at all times!" "Yes, sir!" "Good luck! On my count, get set and, go!" He dashes to the trees, reloads quickly and aims carefully after. He comes back, proud of himself. I honor him, "Sailor, you did it wise back there, I am proud on you! Good job!" We take a break to prepare for the next lesson.
Derek, Sarah and the crewman gather up talking about their next lesson. The crewman whispers, "What you all think we might be doing next?" Sarah speaks, "Probably some basic work!" Derek replies, "Honestly, I think we might do basic training or learn again how to ride a horse!" The group laughs! "Damn, I wish we had some beer!" I announce, "It's time!" They gather with me, "You will practice currently on up-close combat with me! Who would like to go first? I would be also teaching you defensive and offensive skills." Derek speaks, "I will, sir!" "Attaboy! Let's begin with offensive attacks! Try to kick my shin and then punch me slowly to the chin!" I evade him a couple times but after a quick run, he kicks me in the shin and punches my chin. I cheer him, "Good job, sailor, not too bad!" "Thanks, Captain!" "Now, try to bring me down by grabbing my arm and kicking the back of my knee!" I evade him once, he grabs my arm but I kick him quickly behind the knee, bringing him down. "That was close but try again, you need to attack like you mean it, sailor!" Derek angered, goes for my arm but fails to bring me down. I speak, "Control your fear, use your anger wisely!" He goes for my arm quickly and kicks me behind the knee, bringing me down. "Attaboy, sailor! Now, defend with your might by blocking with your arms and legs!" I go to punch and kick him slowly, he blocks some attacks. "Good job! You still need a little improvement." "Okay, sir!" To the crewman, "Sailor, you willing to practice and fight?" "Yes!" "Okay, like the same attack Derek did, do that on me!" "Okay, Captain!" He goes for my shin but I evade him. After a couple tries, he kicks my shin but I bring him down. I speak, "The enemy will not go easy on you, so you'll have to challenge them as well." "Okay, sir!" He goes again for my shin and kicks me, then punches my chin slowly. "Good job!" "Thanks!" "Next one, take me down as you saw previously!" He dashes to me furiously, evading him at first. He kicks me behind the leg but I bring him down as he loss grip of my arm. "Again!" The crewman comes to attack, kicking my leg. We grab each other's arms, preventing us both from defeat. Suddenly, he bites one of my fingers, defeating me. "Sailor, you're offensive attack was excruciating. Do never, ever do that to me again!" Derek speaks, "Captain, he was also in a critical position to be in defeat as well, I think that was a beneficial attack that can save us!" "How so, that was a damn barbaric mistake, no one should be taught to fight that way." The crewman speaks, "My apologies, Captain!" "Keep your damn apologies to yourself!" Derek speaks, "It wasn't his fault, you both were in crisis." "Don't make me shush you, sailor! Sarah, your turn!" Sarah comes to attack me with strength, she kicks my shin and punches me slowly in the chin successfully. "Next one, bring me down now!" Sarah dashes to attack but I bring her down partially as she was holding my arm. She goes again quickly, attacking me from my side but I manage to evade. "Again!" We make sure we both are not taken by the arms. Sarah kicks a rock in front of me, causing a distraction and then she takes me down. "Now, the third one!" I quickly come to attack her, she evades me at first. I make a blow but she blocks and grabs my arm to stop me. Sarah speaks, "Not too bad for a lady, uh?" I speak to the group, "The lesson was completed." After, I leave the group to be on my own in the woods.
   I wander through the woods, daydreaming about when I was promoted and why I wanted to be Captain. I felt a rise of guilt and shame, honor and pride due to my actions. I was just a damn, ordinary man who wanted to find purpose and better quality of life. I bet my whole, damn crew wanted the same thing. Sarah comes to find me, "Hey Jack, we about to eat lunch! Why you over here?" "Just needed some lone time!" "Is it something about your crewmen?" "No, some personal things!" "Is there anything I can help you with?" "Not exactly, my love, just having these weird flashbacks!" "Why so?" "Just thinking on how I became Captain." "You were promoted possibly because you were a great crew member and always provided support." I was confused, "-but I didn't train or explain the policy to the whole crew on time." "However, you still trained them to work and bond together as a crew, right?" "Yes!" "Training the crew, was supposed to be management's job, not yours!" "My love, don't tell anyone but I want to resign my job and move out with you to Richmond!" "Are you crazy, you can't just quit your job" "I want to quit and find a new job with you." "Ah, I don't think I can do that!" "I promise and love you, I want to be with you!" "We'll see, Jack!" Derek waves, notifying us that lunch is ready. We get up to walk back to them. I whisper to Sarah, "Let's keep that promise to ourselves, please!" Sarah sighs and we arrive back to the camp to eat lunch. Derek speaks, "So, what you all were doing?" Sarah speaks, "Just was walking around the trees!" "Oh okay! I shot down another coconut for us to drink!" "Okay!" After eating and resting a little more, we plan to head north again. We mount on the horses and depart our area, traveling for a couple of hours or so. The crew and I find a small, Spanish town a few miles up north. I speak, "Here's the plan, we let our horses go in the middle of town for a distraction while we raid the ship there very quietly. We are going to use mostly knives and swords." Derek fears, "Are you crazy, so we just going to use swords and knives?" "Yes, there is more of them than us, that's why!" "As long as our cover is not damn blown." "Exactly!" The crewman asks me, "Are we actually going to kill?" "Not exactly, sailor, we going to knock them out unless if you are attacked, use swords! Remember what I trained you all, follow me!" The crew and I walk slowly to the town to release our horses. I speak, "In 3-2-1 RELEASE and GO, GO!" The horses dashed through the middle, distracting some soldiers around. Most of them went to follow the horses. We run to the docks and enter the building. Walking quietly, we witness two soldiers sleeping in separate quarters. I order Derek, "Derek, knock out the man there in the head with something hard while I will take out the soldier in front." I knock out the soldier with the lantern but fail. He takes out his sword as well as me too. My brawl with swords began. He swifts his sword at me quickly but I block it. I attack him but he evades me. The crewman steps in and knocks him out successfully, ending my deadly sword brawl. I was breathing hard after the moment. I speak, "Thanks!" "Your welcome, Captain!" We group up and move forward through the building. The group and I witness soldiers out back. I order the crewman, "Sailor, go out from our entry and throw a rock towards the middle of town!" "Okay!" He goes to throw something, distracting the soldiers out back to go up front. Then, we dash to the Spanish ship. I order my crew, "Open and control the sails while I man the wheel!" Derek speaks, "Captain, check the anchor quickly!" I release the anchor as fast as I can with the lever. Sarah shouts, "The plank, we need to bring it up!" She brings it up on the ship. I order, "Open the sails now!" The ship departs while some of the soldiers fired at us. We sail away, escaping successfully.

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