• 𝔱𝔴𝔢𝔩𝔳𝔢 •

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[ 12. the end ! ]

 the end ! ]

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"SO, SIDNEY. HOW YA DOING?" I ASK Sidney on the phone. She was still on the line. Don't know why but yeah, she is. I just wanna mess with her. I know she's in a closet but not which one. Not that way, maybe. Who knows.

"Fuck you, you bitch!" She says, making me laugh.

"Feisty, how hot is that?" I say out loud.

"Aaah! Bitch!" Billy yells. I look at him and roll my eyes.

"What closet are you in?" I ask her as I twirl the phone wire. I then hear a thud. "Hello? Anyone home. Did I tell you about that one time I dropped your toothbrush in the toilet by accident? Sorry by the way." I tell Sidney. "Hello?" I say when I don't hear anything. I look at Stu. "Go." I told him. He nods and gets up.

A second later I hear Stu scream. I see him and Sidney fighting each other. I throw the telephone to the side and walk toward them. Sidney was standing next to the tv.

I push her as she pushes the tv on Stu. He puts his leg up making the tv fall to the side. I hit my head on the side of the couch making me fall. I act like I'm dead.

I feel Sidney run away. I open my eyes and see she's gone. Stu sits up. I put my finger on my lips telling him to stay quiet. He nods in understanding.

"I'm sorry. It's all right." I hear. I grit my teeth when I realize Randy is alive. God, out of everyone I wanted him to be 100% dead. I help Stu sit against the couch.

"Oh, my God, Randy. I thought you were dead." I hear Sidney tell Randy. I get up slowly.

"I probably should be. I never thought I'd be so happy to be a virgin." Randy says. I peek and see Billy get up and punch Randy.

"Fucker!" Billy yells. That's my cockroach! He pushes Sidney to the ground. He had his knife in his hand. He starts to choke her. "Say hello to your mother." He tells Sidney.

I see Lydia push Gale away as Gale shoots the gun. The bullet hits Randy who sits up. He hits the ground, finally dead. Hallelujah. Are those angels I hear singing?

While Billy stabs Sidney, Lydia grabs the gun from the floor. She points it at Gale who was staring up at Lydia. Lydia smirks. How does she smirk more darkly than me and we're twins?

"I always hated you." Lydia tells Gale, sneering. "See you in hell." She tells Gale before shooting her. There is a thud heard. We all look at Sidney's dad who cries when he sees Sidney.

"Clean up in aisle 7." I say walking up to Billy. I pat his cheek as he breathes heavily. There are sirens heard.

"Shit." Billy says getting up. He stumbles holding onto me.

"Okay, Stu, you stay there. Stay on the plan." Lydia tells Stu who groans. "Billy." Lydia says, making Billy nod. I walk to the stairs.

"Well, we should do this again." I say sarcastically as I walk up the stairs. I wasn't going to deal with that.

"Wait, change of plans." Lydia tells me. I furrow my eyebrows.

"When they come closer run out and scream bloody murder, okay." Heather tells me. I roll my eyes and go to the balcony. While they fix that I quant for the police cars.

"See ya, sister." Lydia says walking down the stairs. She jogs into the woods. I smirk as I walk down the stairs. I breathe in before screaming. Like crazy. I'm kinda mad Michael Myers actually isn't real 'cause if he was I would definitely suck that dick.

The police came and found us. We told them that it was Sidney's dad the whole time and that Sidney was being manipulated by her dad. We had been left for the dead. Them being the piggies that they are, they believed us.

Guess we're having a sequel. How fun. Anyways, I'm in the hospital on my way to visit Billy. Both he and Stu were hospitalized obviously. They're lucky I'm here. I just had to cry like crazy to fool everyone in this stupid town.

I got the mayor to get me the actor who played Michael Myers's autograph. Good thing for my tears and lungs. I see my dad talking to a nurse. I walked up to him.

"Dad." I say making him jump. He turns to look at me. "Whoring around, are we?" I ask. He looks at me madly.

"What on earth are you talking about?" He asks looking around to see if anyone was listening. I was lying when I said movies screwed me up. My dad is an ex-murderer. You know how some girls are like "I can change him." You know. Well, Sidney's mom changed my dad. He's so stupid.

"I'm here to visit Billy." I told him. I let my eyes water. "I don't think I can go on life knowing all these poor people died because of Mr. Prescott." I say crying.

I saw people staring at me. I have to make a scene. Lydia hates attention which is a good thing for me. My dad rolls his eyes.

"You know where his room is." My dad tells me. I blow my nose with a napkin. I walk, acting sad. People look at me sympathetically. I wore mascara on purpose to let it make me look like a panda.

I walked into Billy's room where he was writing something on paper. Probably shitty plans. I close the door.

"So, what's the sequel, creep?" I ask him. He looks up realizing that I was in the room. "I'm thinking college." I tell him with a smirk.

- 12 -

A/N : hello angels! So this is the end of Cannibal and I know it's bad. I'm sorry. I noticed there wasn't much Billy x oc. I suck at writing relationships so bad. Like I can think of what I want to write but I can't write it. The ending sucks and I know. I honestly just wanted to move on from this story. For the most part, I hope you enjoyed it! Have a great reading! Also if any questions please ask. I added some details that can be confusing.

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