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Gael tapped his fingers on the car wheel with the beat of the radio. The gentle hum of the car made you feel a surge of tiredness flow over you. You laid your head back against the headrest, staring out the window. Golden leaves decorated the ground outside, the trees slowly turning from lush to bare. The mid-October chill in the air caused goosebumps to prickle over your skin as you instantly moved to close the small open slit in the car window. In the corner of your vision, you could see Gael take glances at you every now and then. You could see the concern and nervousness swimming in his eyes every time he looked over. And, hell, you were feeling it too.

You had just been released from the hospital after deeming that your injuries should be able to heal on their own. You felt a pit of dread settle in your stomach knowing that you'd have to go to back that damned apartment. You had tried to call Eliza to stay at her place for a while, but for the next week, you won't be able to stay at her house cause she's going to be having many guests over, filling the entire house. She showed remorse over your situation and said that she'd try to usher them out sooner if possible. You nervously fidgeted as you slowly got closer to where you were living. Your knee bounced anxiously as you tried to reassure yourself that you were gonna be okay. That this time, you were being protected by the police.

The drive back to your apartment gave you time to think of what you should do. You immediately thought of moving, most desirably to a whole different state if you could. But, you knew that moving to a different state wouldn't be a decision you could make at this time. You have too many things to take care of and people you care about to just leave quite yet. Your whole family is here, you couldn't just leave them. But also, you being here puts them in danger. If the masked murderer figures out where your family or friends live, it's game over. You don't know how far they will go with this sick game and you didn't want to find out.

As you slowly tuned back into the present moment, you noticed how quiet Gael had been. Before, he had been talking to you, asking different things just to keep you out of your head so much. But I guess at some point, he had given up entirely and decided to sit in silence and sit in his own head for a while. You turned your head to look at him for a second, surveying his tense expression. His hands gripped the wheel of the car tightly and his lips were pressed in a thin line with his eyebrows furrowed. 

You peeled your eyes from him, biting your lip as some of his anxiety got added to yours. You watch out of the corner of your eye as his mouth opened, about to say something, before giving up and closing. This happened a couple times before he let out a low sigh and opened his mouth again, "I don't think you should stay at your apartment." He said bluntly, meeting your eye before turning back to the road.

You turned your head away from him, staring out the passenger window. The falling browning leaves outside twirled in the air as the car passed them, before slowly settling to the ground. "I don't think I have much of a choice." You responded. You dreaded going to that horrible place but you had nowhere else to stay at the current moment. "Of course, you have a choice. You could stay at a motel or hotel- or hell, even sleep in your car if you must." He responded, frustration and nerves on your behalf starting to edge into his voice. 

"There is no way I'm sleeping in my car and I don't have that type of money to get a hotel or motel right now." You said lightly, leaning your head on your arm tiredly. His brows knit in frustration as he tossed a quick glance toward you, trying to gauge your face. "So, what? You are just gonna stay at the place where you were attacked twice before?" He said, shaking his head to emphasize his point. You kept your eyes staring out the window, feeling too anxious and frustrated to look at him. "Actually, it was three times," you mumbled out, not even thinking of how this would just add more fuel to the fire. A tense silence lingered after that, as it took him a moment to come up with a coherent response. "What?" He said, staring at you in shock. 

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