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'Going on like this isn't good. I mean, anyone from an outside perspective could tell you that easily. The way those people look at you aren't kind. They despise you.'

'I wouldn't do that to you.'

'I know you have.. absolutely no clue who I am.'

'I've always admired you..'

'Nobody can love you the way I love you. I'm so far yet so close to you. I wrote this from your current hotels break room. Getting these type of jobs is hard.'

'You really outta quit your job and come be with me forever. Traveling this much isn't good for you. You can't sleep or eat right, and on top of all that you still have your practice and your shows.'

'I hope you don't leak your hotel again. That wouldn't be good now would it?'

"Maybe I shouldn't be writing this.." Picking up my pink gel pen I bring it down. Writing what I have been aware of since I laid my eyes on him. All those years ago when he was dancing in Tokyo.

'I very much know the risks of ■■■■■■■■.'

Quickly before anyone in the break room saw me I scribbled away at the letter with a thick marker.

"On second thought, if I write this and get caught, I won't be able to look at him like this anymore." I did have tickets to his groups concert. I couldn't ever even think of missing him preform.

I took the letter and lit up my lighter. Burning up the letter like all the ones I wrote. I really outta quit this. Smoking I mean. I could never quit being his most devoted fan. Before I mess up my voice too.

After a smoke I pack up my stuff in my bag and jam it all into my locker. The locker decorated with pictures of my love. His cute little expressions, even his sleeping face. I wish I could hold him as he slept just like that. If only I could.

After working my hands off with cleaning rooms of random celebrities and visiting politicians, I head to the gym.

To be completely honest the gym is my least favorite thing about.. my hobby. Why would being fit be part of my hobby anyways? Well, I can at least seek some of his attention with my appearance. I set my stuff down with an employee. She's kind of my best friend. I'd say we're friends. I mean we do go to concerts together when I'm in Korea. Her name is Yuka, and she's my best friend.

"Do you got those tickets for later babe?" She flashes me her wallet with her Rekons ticket on full show. It goes by slowly cause if you expose your ticket in this dog eat dog world it's gonna get taken.

"Well no duhhh sweetie pie."
I flash her my necklace with the flimsy ticket receipt. We exchange smug smiles and I walk towards the exercise equipment.

We have the plan that after her shift ends at one we go camp out on the block to the concert. Already stocked up with a thermos, water bottles, cup noodles, and patience. Even though after my work out I'm gonna be beat, that won't stop me from seeing him shine.

Yuka stretches and let's out a super loud groan from exhaustion. She grabs my stuff and we head off to her car. She lays it down in the trunk carefully.

"You aren't gonna take shotgun again right?"
After a small pause I shake my head and make a little noise. I get in the back seat and look out the window, ready to go when I get something thrown at me.

"Not even a warning?"
I get the protein shake and gulp it down. Getting a little on the corner of my mouth and on my upper lip.

"Nah, you got it."
I give Yuka a small pity laugh and start getting undressed from my gym clothes. Putting on a cute pink skirt, a white shirt, a choker, and pink platform shoes that I've gotten used to wearing.

Yuka has gotten used to me being an attention seeking whore. She's wearing the clothes she always wears, like when we have a movie night.

The next 19 hours where hell. I mean no duhh. Bathroom breaks in bushes and eating four cup noodles in that time. Using up all that water. Occasionally telling other people in line to buzz off. Waiting in a painful line for more than two hours after camping put for 15 hours prior. Until that perfect 5 o'clock.

Giving the tickets to the ticket guy was war. Some impatient person jumped the gun. It was complete and utter chaos after that. Hell, if one person did it what's stopping the rest of us.

I grabbed Yuka's arm and yanked her with me as I ran with my sore as legs up to the ticket guy handing him our tickets and getting our wrist bands.

It was officially 5 o'clock. In two hours I'd see my shining sun and just like that we were standing at the front waiting for the go.

"You ran like hell" Yuka gasps for air as she calms down a little. I give her a small smile and the rest of the water we have. "aren't you sore?"

Slowly the adrenaline began wearing off and my legs began hurting immensely.
"You jinxed it" I slowly began leaning on the railing to not fall. As I did so Yuka began laughing so hard she choked on her own spit.

"And wearing platform heels" Yuka looked at my feet and sighed, "wanna switch?"
After a little thought I shake my head no and we catch our breath and get ready to fight for that pit spot.

As the time came and we booked it for the middle of the pit. As we were all finished settling down. We began chanting the members names.

Shu Tatseru
Hideyoshi Yoshimura
Yuuki Inoshima
Rino Tetsuya

And lastly but not least my starlight.

Satori Suzuki

Slowly they emerged and my shining star was the center of it all.

Even if he was on the far right.


This felt longer than it really was. Been writing since around 12 and it's currently 3. I think I need sleep. ♡

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