Bad boy

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Satori Suzuki or the eldest in the group was something to be hold. He isn't the leader but, everyone thinks he's the leader at first. Being the tallest in the group he just stands out. As all his other members are drastically shorter. He is the main visual and lead vocalist. He is  attractive, charismatic, and he's a manipulative sadist.

He could get whatever he wanted; and he knew that.

Getting ready for the concert was a breeze. All he does is make sure that he gets all the dances down with Shu. During concerts he was the center of attention and everyone's eyes fell on him. He knew that. Hell he loved it. Was Satori self-centered? No duh.

He had multiple relationships during his life as an idol. Of course, they were all sexual and mostly one sided. All those girls thought he was going to drop his career as an idol for them. For him to just admit to his company and members that he had found the perfect woman.

Today's concert wasn't any different from the other ones. His name was yelled the most. He interacted with the crowd the least yet was still loved most.

Those girls yelling his name would probably do anything; if it meant spending even 30 minutes with him.

The whole concert was as it normally always was. Satori only smiled at those girls and some boys he found attractive. When he locked eyes with a pink haired girl waving Rekons lighstick and waving a sign with his name on it. She was decent looking, enough to catch his attention at least. He walked closer to her and blew a kiss. He made a hand signal for her phone, and a girl next to her that was probably her friend gave it to him.

Satori wasn't really surprised to see a picture of her and her friend as her lock screen. When the girl yelled her password at him he was shocked that it was HIS birthday. Kinda creepy but, other girls are way creepier. He unlocked her phone and saw a picture of him as her home screen. He smiled when he looked up to see her blush beet red.

All of those would've been major red flags if he wasn't an idol. Even after all of that he still took her phone and preformed with it. Taking multiple pictures of himself and videos of him and his members. The whole time he could hear the girl yelling his name to be careful with it. He was, for the record.

He took a selfie with the girl in the background and made a little kiss face with her there all surprised and flushed. He kinda found her cute. He could tell she was short and her long hair was his ideal woman's apperance. Maybe he'd make her his toy. Then he did something he had never done. Open her notes app. He wrote his private number on it. Was that dumb? Yup. Did he really even care? Nah.

Near the end of the concert he handed her back her phone and blew another kiss at her. Then disappeared from her view for a little.

After all that Sato was on the verge of passing out from how much attention from her starlight she has gotten. Yuka was ridiculously happy for her best friend. In fact , she had resorted to giving Sato a piggy back ride back to the car.

The whole car ride, was a quiet one. Yuka had given up on talking to her. She was basically a vegetable. Trying to process what had just happened.

Was that all it took? Seriously? Waving a sign with his name on it was enough for his attention?? Sato at that point was starting to almost foam at the mouth from how exhausted abd dumbfounded she was.

Sato was starting to doze off during the car ride back to her apartment. Poor Yuka, even when they got there she was still inclined to carry Sato up the stairs into her apartment. She even opened up her door with her personal key card and dropped Sato on her couch.

Before Yuka left she left all of Sato's things on her rug, took off her accessories, her shoes, and her name up. Before taking Sato's phone and setting an alarm for 45 minutes later. Before walking out and heading home.

Sato's dream was weird. She hadn't ever dreamed of something like that. Having a family...

Something to cling onto wasn't something that she was keen on but, in this dream she was pregnant holding a baby in her arms and being wrapped by a man's arms. It was bliss. In that moment she felt like she didn't need anything else. It was just the three of them.

Waking up is something most people dread. Looking in the mirror after you wake up is something you also dread.

When Sato woke up nine hours later she found herself on her couch. All of the cushions were spread out and laid on the ground. The blanket that was laid on her was also on the floor making her skin bumpy with goosebumps.

Life goes on, no matter what happened last night. Sato got ready for work, feed her fish, and took the subway to work.

ayooooooo falling back into my nightcore phase

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2022 ⏰

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