the start

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So here we begin with a 5 year old izuku first discovering his powers


Izuku was sitting around with his mom on the couch watching TV, he had 1 lolipop in his pocket,but then he dug in his pocket and pulled out 2 lolipops,he was confused so he put his hands In pockets again and pulled out 2 more lolipops.

"Sweetie, where did you get those lolipops"Inko noticed

"from my pockets mum" the bean said

"Hmm you have more or no?"

"Lemme check" *Izuku pulls out 3 more* here mommy

Inko then checks his pockets,but there was nothing,Izuku then checks the same poctet his mother checked and pulls out yet another lolipop.

"Izuku I'm pretty sure this is a quirk"

The tiny bean then got exited because he believes it's his quirk,(which it is)

"Let's go check it out with the quirk docter"

"Yes mum"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2022 ⏰

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