Chapter 10

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"W-what are you saying there?", I said in shock. "A-are you crazy?"

He putted his hand down and lowered his head.

"Don't joke like that. Haha.", I said and laughed awkwardly.


But he did not laugh or say that "It's a joke~ I fool you!"...

He said nothing...




"Why don't we just go back and take a rest now? I think we need that.", I said and on the act of walking when...

"I know it's too sudden but... I thought you're going to scream his name (Yohio)... but you did not... So I... did take this opportunity....", he said softly.

I got shocked.


What's really happening??...

"Maybe you did not recognize me but... since then... I knew you for so long, Kaito...", he said and to the third time he called my name.


I don't know...

I haven't seen him...

I never saw him...

"You were the best of the best back then... You won different quiz bee competitions and you were the valedictorian of our batch...", he said. "...but... you fell for Yohio...", he continued.


"At first... you're just a weird and obsessed nerd guy for me. Always following Yohio wherever he goes and always serving him whenever he wants."


 "All I thought... that guy must be stupid and fool... but... one time, after school, I went straight home and saw you...  You're taking care of an abandon kitten." (That's the reason for Gakupo calling Kaito as Neko-chan. Maybe he thought that Kaito looked cute like a cat.)


 "And just that... all I thought that time was... you're not stupid and fool nerd..."

I... I can't say a thing...

I don't know what to say...

Gakupo suddenly smiled, "...but a soft-hearted jerk."

An arrow struck my heart.


Was he confessing or insulting me???!!!!!!!


"And from that... I kept on looking at you and being curious of what were the weird things you could do until all of us parted after graduation and I never saw the two of you again... I thought you stopped... I thought you were awakened after being blinded but as soon as I saw you at the company and with him... I can't stop myself not to look for your attention. That... That guy was so lucky to have you... That even if he was a jerk and worthless... you're still staying with him... unchanged and unshaken...", he said too and walked near me




I really don't know what to say...

He held my hand. "You're the one who needs to be happy... You're the one who must be appreciated... I don't know why he can't see you the same way like me but... please... let me be the one to give you happiness... Please let me be the one to love you whole-heartedly...", he said and kissed my hand.






I can't say anything to his sincerity...

I didn't know that there's someone who can appreciate me but...




Yoh was still in my heart...


"I... I'm sorry... I still can't...", I just said and removed my hand from his hold.

I looked down.


I'm sorry...


I'm so sorry...


"It's fine... It's fine for me... You can use me as your handkerchief when you're about to cry or a pillow when you're feeling down... Even just a cover of any space for you... It's fine for me...", he said.

I was shocked and looked to him..

"Just let me express my love for you...", he added and gave a bitter smile.





How can I use this person who loves me unconditionally?...

How can I hurt him?...

I lowered my head more.

"It's fine. Don't worry.", he said and held my arm.


"Just... just give me more time to think and... more time to forget Yoh...", I only just said but I can't promise anything to him...

"You don't have to pressure yourself. It's enough for me that you're with me..."

Opening my heart to someone who's not Yoh?...

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