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"Normal" - Jimin's language"Mer" - Merman's language"Sign language" - both understand

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"Normal" - Jimin's language
"Mer" - Merman's language
"Sign language" - both understand


Author POV

Jimin was so wrapped up in the fight, there was blood everywhere. He could barely think, the situation overwhelming his senses, dulling him aside from the rush of blood in his ears and the heavy pounding of his heart.

The mermen fought well despite the fact they did not get out of the water. Jimin had to admit he was impressed when Yoongi coiled his tail up much like a snake would, leaning on it so he was essentially the equivalent of standing up, the height and length of his tail made him tower over the humans.

The mermen were ruthless with their attacks till Jimin could see the humans start to be hesitant to follow their bosses order. That is why none of them saw it coming.

The loud screech that permeated through the air took them all by surprise. The mermen remained unfazed as the humans all but collapsed in pain at the sound. Jimin was no exception.

The pain was unbelievable, Jimin reached to cover his ears hoping to stop the attack. But when he pulled his hands away from his ears it was to blood on them, or at least it felt like blood in the dark. The dark night made it almost impossible to see much, the moon being the only light source. 

He reached to his ears again, and shuddered when he felt the blood streaked in them. Now the numbness of the fight that had previously dulled his senses down to survive blew away like the cold gust of wind streaking down the beach.

This time it wasn't the numbness of the battle that stopped his ears from hearing anything but the blood rushing in his ears, this time it was the fact he genuinely couldn't hear. The screech had done its job.

He couldn't hear anything.

He turned when he saw sand being kicked into his vision. His face met Jin's the mermen was in front of him, Jimin wholeheartedly wished he wasn't hallucinating from the pain radiating in his head.

But then the merman was reaching out to hold his face, gentle hands manoeuvring his face around. Checking his ears for damage, but Jimin already knew it had been done. The other humans there knew it too, as they all checked their ears with horrifying realisation.

Even the woman who had instigated the whole attack, the mermen were hissing still, Jimin couldn't hear it but he could see the way the moonlight glinted off their sharp fanged teeth. Jin was trying to communicate with him, probably in the clicks and whistles of the sea language he spoke but Jimin couldn't hear one bit of it.

Before he could comprehend anything, Jin was pulling him to his feet. He was vaguely aware of the water lapping around his feet. The water rose around his body the further into the sea he was dragged, his body felt limp and uncooperative. 

He was situated on Namjoon's back, the mermen began to beat his tail. They were heading out to see keeping Jimin balanced on Namjoon's back. Leaving before the shocked and recently deafened humans could react and retaliate. 

Jimin could barely feel anything, it was like his body had been submerged in water and all he could hear was silence. His body felt like ice and the cold water now splashing over him as Namjoon moved swiftly through the water, being careful not to dip Jimin under the water, was not helping.

He could feel the vibrations through Namjoon's back as he clicked and whistled in the unknown communication to his fellow mer. The others swam under the water, but close to the surface, occasionally the jumped up like a dolphin would to look at Jimin to ensure he was still awake. It wouldn't be good if he fell asleep as they were now very far out to see, unable to see the mainland behind them.


Jin felt horrible, he hadn't spoken even as questions were being parroted by the mermen under the waves as they travelled.

"Do you think it will be permanent?" Hoseok asked.

"I don't know" Namjoon replied, he was swimming with his head in the water despite carrying Jimin on his back.

They continued this conversation trying to find any way to comfort their minds that they could bring back their human mate's hearing. But Jin shattered that hope.

"I could feel it, the blood in his ears" Jin confirmed their worst fears.

He watched as they all dropped into silence, some slowing their pace as they processed the information.

Hyun Park remained silent, he knew what it was like to gradually lose your hearing over the years and as you age. But he had regained his hearing when he became a mer, it was far more sensitive as well. But it must have been difficult to lose your hearing all at once, especially for someone like Jimin where music was his whole life and career.

He swam up and held his grandson's hand, seeing the dead look in the human's eyes was haunting. Jimin was completely out of it, his eyes hazy and unfocused. Hyun raised a wet scaled hand to pet his grandson's hair which he hoped would be comforting. He couldn't use words as they would go unheard.

They continued to swim through the night, not able to stop and take rest under the waves as they had done on the way to the mainland. Mostly as they did not feel safe till they were within the vicinity to the island where they dwelled with their pod, and because Jimin was unable to breath under the waves and was too out of it to swim for himself.

Namjoon began a low humming sound, it made his chest vibrate at the sound, mer often did it to warm themselves up when returning from the deep, they were a bit like reptiles in a sense. He hoped it would warm him and Jimin up, as well as try to offer comfort to his mate.

He smiled a little when he felt Jimin's body twitch a little on his back, reacting to the vibrations. He continued this until they could the island in the distance, home.


Sorry that it got depressing....

Anyway I hope you liked the chapter.




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