21 - Tub

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He could feel his dick throbbing as he struggled to contain his Wide Load.

"Hang on. I've got business to finish."

He bounces off the bed and rushes to the bathtub, releasing his load into the white sea of sperm.

His partner creeps over to the bathroom to watch his actions.

"If you didn't want to finish on me, that's fine-"

"I'm adding to my collection."

He walks farther into the room to see the tub filled nearly to the brim with a white substance.

"That's a pog bro!" he responds, high-kneeing to the tub. He gives his penis a few more shakes before it releases a Wide Load of its own. The load was so wide, the tub started overflowing and dripping crusty sperm onto the floor.

"JACKPOT," the first guy says, clapping their dicks together in a makeshift high-five.

"I think you mean, CANNONBALL!"

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