take my hands off of your eyes too soon

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As soon as he unlocked the door and walked inside, Karl was instantly greeted by a little fuzzy face skittering towards him in the pitch black living room on their little gray paws. The fluffy cat rubbed against his legs as he shut the door behind him, setting his backpack and bags down. He flipped on the lights before crouching down to pet the cat, who rubbed their soft face against his fingers.

"You hungry, buddy?" he asked, yawning. The gray cat meowed in response, making Karl laugh, walking into the kitchen to pour cat food into their bowl. The cat meowed a few more times, before finding the food he'd put out.

He stood up straight, stretching for the first time since he got off the airplane, before walking over to the kitchen counter and taking a glass out of the cupboard. He filled it with tap water, sipping it, leaning against the counter. His mind still managed to circle back around to Sapnap. It became a normalized thing to him now, whenever he walked around his house now, all he could think about was Sapnap. Every hug and sweet glance they'd given each other during Sapnap's visits, he had memorized where they happened in his house. He couldn't even watch tv without sentimentally thinking of Sapnap's dumb remarks when they'd watch movies on his couch together. And how he'd slip under the blanket with him when it was cold.

A newer bad habit he had started was somehow connecting him and Sapnap's friendship to every romance and relationship in the movies and tv shows he watched. It was worse when it was an elderly couple, but funnier nonetheless. He told Sapnap about it once, and they had a good laugh. Sapnap had added that Dream and George acted like a bickering married couple often.

He couldn't help but remember the last visit together when Sapnap had embraced him from behind when he was- similarly to now- grabbing a cup of water during the late hours of the night.

- (this part is somewhat of a flashback)

Karl had been grabbing a glass of water from the kitchen before going to sleep when he felt Sapnap walk up behind him, his arms slowly snaking around his torso and his face pressing against his neck.

"Oh, hello!" Karl giggled, leaning back against him, his hands holding onto Sapnap's arms. He wasn't used to this sort of affection from Sapnap's end, so it was nice for a change. He made a disgruntled noise in response, rubbing his nose against Karl's neck.

"Did you need something?" Karl spoke softly, turning his head slightly to the side in an attempt to look behind him. That's when he felt the soft, slow, gentle lips grazing his neck, kissing him several times. There was a very faint noise each time he stopped to kiss him in another spot that only they could hear, given their proximity.

The kisses were gentle and sloppy and not given any thought. He was soft enough to not leave any marks, but the act itself solely made a permanent mark in Karl's memory.

"Are you.." Karl leaned his head forward ever so slightly. "Are you drunk..?" he said barely above a whisper. He knew Sapnap was more affectionate and careless when he was extremely tired, and despite wanting his friend to get enough sleep, he couldn't bring himself to stop him.

It was endearing how Sapnap only ever acted this way towards Karl, however. Whenever Sapnap got tired when they were out at some event or video set, he'd just act distant and uncomfortable. Or he'd just find Karl and put his head on his shoulder, or just closely follow him.

Maybe it gave Karl a bit of false hope.

"I love you.." Sapnap whispered into Karl's ear. Karl tried not to let it get to him, knowing Sapnap would probably not even think about it in the morning. It was kind of comforting, knowing he could treasure moments like this without judgment.

Sapnap set his head down on Karl's shoulder, lazily kissing his neck some more, with a bit more force to it.

"Slow down there, mister," Karl chuckled, pulling his hand up to Sapnap's lips. "Don't go too far, that might be difficult to explain to some people."

He could feel Sapnap smile against the back of his hand, as he reluctantly pulled his hand down back to Sapnap's arms still wrapped around him. Of course, he immediately decided to kiss his neck again, this time even more lengthy and separating his lips a bit.

"Hey," Karl whispered, once again putting his hand between his neck and Sapnap. "I think you've had enough fun with this for tonight, you really need to sleep." he picked his head up.

"Please.." Sapnap pleaded quietly. "Please stay like this.

Karl knew how stressed out Sapnap had been lately. He wanted nothing more than to lay down in bed with him still spooning him, allow him full access to his neck, and allow him to kiss and suck on his neck however he wanted, but he couldn't do that. He knew he would leave marks on his neck for people to question, and he knew him sleeping next to him entangled like that would mean they'd wake up like that, which could mean confrontation.

"You're really touchy tonight, aren't you?"


"C'mon, let's go to bed," Karl said, his heart breaking silently, slipping from Sapnap's grip and leading him to lay in the guest bedroom, before going to sleep in his own bedroom, alone.

- (now present time)

He set the glass down on the cold countertop with more force than he'd intended, making a loud clattering sound, breaking him from his daydreaming. I should probably get some sleep before Sapnap gets here, he thought, pouring his water out and setting the glass in the sink. He walked to his bedroom and promptly thrusted his body on top of the bed, lazily pulling the sheets over himself, before falling asleep again.

1007 words. its like midnight rn so idk if this is good but whatever

also idk the gender of Karl's cat or even if he still has that cat or if it ever was his cat so nonbinary cat slayyy

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