Chapter 1: The bully * UPDATED *

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Your name / whatever u like ill put y/n
Age : 13 ( troy is 14 )
Siblings : Steve harrington
Warning : bullying obviously, swearing

Indiana 1983,

It was y/n's first day at hawkins middle school she was pretty nervous but also excited. She packed her bag and ran downstairs to her mom making pancakes. She grabbed one in her mouth and hopped into Steve's car as they headed to school
headed to school.

When she arrived she saw a group of 4 boys arriving on their bikes about to walk inside the school when all of a sudden 2 boys walked up to them

???: " Step right up ladies and gentlemen, step right up and get your tickets to the freak show "

???: " Who do you think would make more money in a freak show zombie boy, midnight, frogface or toothless? "

???: " I go with toothless " he says in a baby voice,

They look at the boy with curly hair and say,

???: " Do the arm thing "

I didn't know what they meant so I kept watching

???: " DO IT FREAK "

The boy took his coat off and cracked his arms in an unusual way, the two boys pushed through them with disgusted faces. You decided to go up to the 4 boys to see if they were ok,

Y/N: hey are you guys ok?

??: not really it's just Troy being an idiot as always

You weren't sure which but you guessed it was the one that had black hair and was shorter than the blonde boy,

Y/N: oh, well my names Y/N what's yours?

??: My name is Mike this is lucas, dustin and will

He points to his 3 other friends and you say hi to them and walk into the school. When u got to your locker you saw troy and the other boy talking at the locker next to yours.

Y/N: Hello my names y/n what's yours?

Troy: my name is Troy and this my friend James

James: hey

After you said hi to them you went to your first lesson English. When you walked into your class u saw that there was a seat in between Troy and Mike when you sat down Mike was about to say hello until Troy said,

Troy: Hey Y/N

You turn to him and smile

Y/N: Oh hey Troy

You smiled at him and continued the lesson. ( TIME SKIP ) It was lunch time and you walked into the cafeteria and saw Mike and his friends sitting at a table so you decided to join them. Until Troy walked up to you guys

Troy: hey wheeler why don't you leave y/n alone

Mike: why don't you ( Mike spills his drink all over Troy

( TIME SKIP ) It is the end of school and you started walking out the school to Steve's car and all of a sudden you see a group of kids chanting ' FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT ' You were surprised so you ran over quickly Steve saw you from his car and looked confused. You pushed through the group of chanting kids and saw Mike and Troy fighting with eachother and Troy was winning until all of a sudden Steve walks up to the group to see what was happening and he was surprised and told Y/N to go sit in the car.

Steve: Guys what do you think your doing stop someone is gonna get hurt

Troy: Well it's obviously not gonna be me getting hurt by a frog

Mike: FOR THE LAFT TIME IM NOT A FROG * he hits Troy in the stomach *

Troy: Oww fuck your dead now wheeler

They stand up and Troy pulls out a pocket knife but luckily Steve grabs it off of Troy


Steve: If your gonna kill your classmates no thanks

Troy: Ugh I was so close 🙄

Mike runs to his bike and rides away and Troy and James walk away too. When you got home you went to your room and listened to music and fell asleep. The next day at school you didn't see Will with the other boys but you didn't think much of it until a speaker called all the students to the hall room, the man started talking about how will was a great student and then you heard Troy and James laughing and making fun of him Mike and his friends looked at them too.

When the assembly ended Mike called out to Troy

Mike: Hey HEY HEY Troy TROY

Troy and James turn around

Mike: You think this is funny

Troy: What was that wheeler

Mike: I saw you guys laughing over there, and I think that's a real messed up thing to do

James: Didn't you hear the counselor wheeler, grief shows its funny ways

Troy: Besides what's there to be sad about anyway? Wills in fairy land now right flying around with all the other little fairy's all happy and GAY

Troy and James start walking off

Troy: lalalalalala

Mike follows and pushes Troy over


Troy Jumps onto Mike and gives him a lot of punches to the face until the teacher comes over to asks what's going on so Troy and James run out the hall

After school you walk to Steve's car
and drive home


Mike and his friends were messing around

Mike: Shut up Lucas

Troy: Yeah shut up lucas

Troy: What are you losers doing back here?

James: Probably looking for their missing friend

Dustin: That's not funny it's serious he's in danger

Troy: I hate to break it to you toothless but he's not in danger he's dead well that's what my dad says he was probably killed by some other Queer

Mike: Come on just ignore them

Troy trips Mike

Troy: watch where your going frogface

Dustin: Mike are you alright

Mike: Yeah

You were in your room and got bored so you went to Steve's room and knocked on the door

Steve: come in

You walked in and asked Steve if you could take a walk in the woods and he agreed but I had to be back by 6.

Authors note:
Guys I hope you liked chapter one it was really fun to write it is based of season 1 and guys you can recommend any person and pick the season ❤ Words 1030

The bully - Troy WalshWhere stories live. Discover now