Chapter 3 ✨

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I don't own the image above

read now pls

this is so cringey

Tommy Pov ~

"What the fuck did you just say?"

Tommy turned back and leaned over on the railing by the stairs. What the hell was wrong with his backpack? Yeah, it was Sonic themed but what's wrong with that? His ears were now way down.

"I mean.... C'mon man, Sonic? Nobody really talks about Sonic anymore."
Techno chuckled. He moved his head the side so he could somewhat see the boy's head. He thought this was some stupid joke. Sonic is pretty old but it's still memorable. What an asshole.

(A/N I am not good at comebacks)

"And who talks to you? With your scary sharp tusks. Who would even wanna be around you?"
Tommy replied, making the situation worse but you'd probably be mad if someone made fun of something that meant deeply to you.

"Woah, Tommy. I'm sure he didn't think you'd get offended but you don't have to go that far."
Phil said trying to kill the argument that was starting, he came as quickly as he could when he saw Tommy wasn't behind him anymore.

"Damn, such high talk for a trash bandit."
Techno replied, ignoring his father. Now saying trash bandit isn't that bad but it's still offensive because TommyInnit isn't just some 'trash bandit', like Techno isn't it just some fat animal that lays in the mud all day, eating slop. Which pigs aren't truly like that but honestly that's how the movies portray them. So, you can kinda see where I'm getting at.

Tommy retaliated after he ran down the stairs to get in the hybrid's eyes. He was furious, tears were threatening to spill because that's all he was to everyone he met. Just some useless, annoying, good-for-nothing, trash bandit. He blinked them away as he remembered his concealer.

Tommy's tail was now attempting to push him forward as he saw Techno stand up with a angry frown, he knew what was coming. It wasn't anything different, he was used to this. So he needed to stop shaking. He needed to stand his ground. He's TommyInnit! He's a man!

Techno bent down to get to Tommy's level, dumb bitch. He got close to the boy and whispered to where nobody around them could hear,

"Listen, I could easily break you. I could break every last bone in your body with my bare hands. I could snap you like a twig, trash bag. I won't because they're here. Now, say sorry so we can end this stupid thing."
It was a empty threat but still scared Tommy nonetheless.

Techno wouldn't do anything, but that doesn't mean what he said was a lie. He could kill Tommy if he truly wanted to. But he won't, he wouldn't lay a finger on the fluff ball. He knew Phil already loved this kid. Which is what stopped him from snapping.










All these thoughts sprung into Tommy's mind, they dripped with his father's voice. His breathing was now hitched and now he couldn't stop shaking but he still managed out a small apology.


It was so tiny but it seemed to satisfy Techno as he sat up and walked over back to couch.

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