The next morning a crowd of people forced their out way to get some food to eat and something wasn't right,we heard screaming in fear,
Peter Sam was ok. I couldn't believe it.
He was scared,and some of the coaches were badly burned! But he was okay,but he was low on coal,but he haves a lot a water.then we heard a familiar 3 whistles
We were shocked and surprised to see the falcon brothers (sir handel,Albert,protues) to them pulling empty coaches,sir handel was upset and taking his angry out on Peter Sam
Albert was so scared he don't know what going
Protues told his older brother to calm down
We didn't know what going on their minds.
And we left to get to skaroley station.
Peter Sam stop to get some water and then the falcon brothers puff pasted him
Albert said keep going keep going!
And those darn fools went the wrong way
They thought they went to the picnic area
Also protues saw beartm off the rails
And Albert hear his older brother sir handel screaming his face was melting and left eye was turn to teeth,and then he saw the trucks off the rails
He screamed stop but Albert didn't listen,
Sir handel and protues break hard but it was too late and they derailed!