chapter 3

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you look out the window of the carage and you see NRC shrink behind you. In the carage you start to think that maybe it wasn't the best to leave them but this is kinda like a vacation. you take out your phone and look on magicam and then look up RSA. You see that there are a few accounts and you click on one. You see a red haired boy and next to him was neige. You scroll down and you see more of students in white uniforms. You geuss they might just be a school full of influencer and rich kids like what leona says. the carage slowed to a stop and the door opened. "you may come out yuu" a ghosts hand reaches out towards you and you take they're hand. You decend the steps of the carage and you look out and you see the sea. You look infront of you see a group of students and a old man. "hello yuu im glad that you decided to come here, im the head master and my name is ambrose and the people behind me are the dorm leaders" the group of boys all wave behind him and You wave back at them. "boys why don't you introduce yourselfs while we show yuu around the school". Ambrose motions you to walk with him. You bid farewell to the ghost but before he closes the door grim rushes out of the carage. "HENCHMEN WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP" grim rushes over to you. "well you were just soundly sleeping, and i kinda forgot about you" you admit to grim. "why don't we head on into the school so you can settle down?" ambrose suggests. "oh yeah i do want to see where i'll be staying at" you give him a smile. You all begin to walk into the white castle.

while you were walking through the castle and admiring the interior you feel a tug at your shirt. "hey yuu i don't think we're welcome here" grim whispered to you. You look around you and you notice students glareing at you and whispering in your direction. You could feel all of their eyes on you, like you were some sort of criminal. you shake off the feeling and just ignore it. Of course they would glare and whisper at you, you're from a rival school that has never won againsnt this one. "hey don't worry about the people whisering" someone whispers to you. You look behind you and you see a boy with long black hair. "they just don't exactly see alot of people from your school around here" he gives you a little smile. "or you guys tried to sabotage us but failed" someone mutters behind you. "excuse me?" you turn around to face the guy but then neige pulls closer to his side."hey yuu, what do you want to do first? tour the building or go to your room?" he asks to change the subject. "um let's go to my room first, i want to put down my things" your arms were getting tired carrying your bags. "alright then follow me! after i show you your room i can show you around the-" "wait but i thought all of us would do it?" a red haired boy interupted neige. "yea, and we're definately not leaving you alone with them after what happend at vdc" a boy with blonde hair with a black headband said. why do they assume you to be so sketchy? "students please they must be feeling uncomfortable" ambrose buds in to probably save you. "how about i take them to their room and you guys will be showing them around? you all can wait here" the group of leaders seem to collectivly agree on ambrose's proposal.
Now it's just you,grim,and ambrose.

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