Speed Dating

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Stuff happens, and Hollyberry is perfectly fine!

"Well. This sucks," Golden Cheese muttered.

Dark Cacao nodded. He was inclined to agree.

Both of them were huddled close to their campfire for warmth. With the spare blankets they had left, they built a small tent that was barely big enough for the two of them. It was hidden between a couple of bushes and covered with leaves for camouflage.  The forest was much closer to the castle than the inn, which would prove to be a double edged sword. Hopefully, none of the royal guards would find it.

"I expected this. It was going to happen eventually." Dark Cacao poked the fire with a stick before tossing it in.

Golden Cheese groaned and flopped onto the grass, "And to think we actually had a place to stay!" She crossed her arms and pouted. "That oughta teach me to not trust commoners."

Dark Cacao tilted his head to the side in consideration. "Granted we were weeks late on our rent."

"You know we barely have any money!" Said Golden Cheese as she threw her arms into he air.

"Goldie, one of those cheese stones you have would have paid us to stay for an entire year."

Golden Cheese clutched protectively at the small box of cheese stones she managed to save from the inn. "As if I'd ever! I only give these to the most worthy of people."

Cacao sighed. There was no getting through to Golden Cheese on this subject. "We need to rest up. The next event is tomorrow." He laid down on his sleeping bag, muttered a 'goodnight', and drifted to sleep.

The next day, Dark Cacao woke up to Golden Cheese's arms around him. She had somehow managed to scooch her sleeping bag towards him in her sleep and envelope him in a vice grip. She had a habit of moving to the nearest source of warmth in her sleep. Perhaps it was a 'bird' thing. Dark Cacao did not know.

It wasn't like he was bothered by this, though. They'd slept like this so many times in the harsh cold of the tundra that it was second nature to him. He had just noticed that his arms were around her as well. He was hesitant to get up from this warm, comfortable position.

He absentmindedly ran his fingers through her hair. Golden Cheese chirruped softly in her sleep and nuzzled closer. This was one of the few times he'd let a smile slip on his face.

It'd be alright to stay like this for just a little while.


Hollyberry rose from bed like a vampire would his coffin. She got off, put on her attire, and went to fix her hair. Her arms felt heavy as she fumbled with her hair buns. She caught a glimpse of her expression then immediately looked away. It was the same dull expression she's had for weeks. Months even.

She immediately forced a smile when she heard her bedroom door click open. One of her maids stepped in with a polite courtesy.

"Good morning my queen. Your advisors wanted you to know that the next trial starts in an hour. You are to report to the throne room before then."

"Of course. Thank you." She said as she walked out of her room. As soon as the maid was out of view, her smile faded. The mere thought of going through another trial was enough to sour her appetite. Still, she walked to the dinning hall. As a warrior, she knew better than to skip a meal, even if the thought of eating a single bite made her nauseous.

On her way to the dining hall, she smiled in order to be polite to others that passed by, mainly staff. She would overhear them talking about the contest. They talked about which contestant was their favorite, about which one would be the best pick for her.

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