Ep 16: Coming up with a plan

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Morgana: Oh don't you worry Skrael and Bellroc. Tenko is going to make sure to bring Nari.

Bellroc: He better not fail *say again with the two different voices*

Morgana: Don't worry the Titans will awake.

Douxie was looking everywhere for _____ wondering what made her end up things like that he was so anxious and scared of what she might say when he found her. But right now they needed her help maybe he would worry about that later. Right now they have something else to worry about the awakening of the Titans. While, _____ was running to meet with the others until she sees Douxie she gets closer and stops and both looking at each other not knowing what to say(awkward)

_____: Hey Douxie

Douxie: Hey _____

They stood there for a moment looking at each other without saying anything. It was like that for a couple of minutes

_____: I need to get to the others *she looks away instantly*

Douxie: Oh yeah, I was looking you for same exact reason. Well we were looking for you

_____: Well, we should get going shouldn't we?

Douxie nods and he teleports each other to the other. Everyone gathered around them

Claire: (your nickname)! Thank god! We have a problem

_____: I know *she turn and looks at Claire eyes* The titans awakening?

Claire: Yes

Toby: How did you know? *he ask confused*

_____: I had a vision and well we have to do our best to avoid. We have to protect Nari at all cost.

Everyone agree and starts making plans

Jim: Maybe if we try to get Nari away

_____: That wouldn't work they would still find her

Blinky: Who are they?

Nari & _____: Orden Arcana

Nari: How did you-

_____: know? *she finish Nari sentence for her* I had dreams or visions about them and their plan about how they could destroy the whole world. They are almost close there last piece of their game is...

Douxie: Nari *Douxie finish while _____ nods*

They all have that in mind they already had a plan, but the first thing is take care of Nari before they come looking for her and their plan is done. Claire gets closer to _____.

Claire: Something feels off

_____: I agree something does feel off

They come closer both grabbing there necklaces and holding each other hands. Claire and _____ start casting a spell that they have been learning in secret.

_____ & Claire: Ostende mihi praeteritum, praesens et futurum. Ostende mihi malum venientem et bonum venturum(Show me the past, present and future. Show me the evil that is coming and the good that is coming)

The spell show them what was going to happen there it was Morgana, Tenko, Skrael, and Bellroc getting there plan ready showing a little it moves to the future showing the battle that Claire and _____ where going to have with Morgana and Tenko and lastly the Titans battle, their plan had work. Claire and _____ stop casting the spell as they separate looking at everyone sad as they knew that they might not win.

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