Tale I; Jake Esten and Levy the Lamia

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When I woke up, I had some sort of awful headache... I had been knocked out just a bit ago, and the pain is starting to seep in...

"Good. You're awake." A mysterious voice said. It was then I realized the urgency of my situation. I was in the coils of a snake woman!

"What do you want?" I replied, hoping that she would let me go. I struggled in her coils. She just laughed as she watched my dire attempts to get free.

"All I want" she answered back, "is a meal!" She laughed sadistically. I got a good view of her mouth, slimy and wet. Disgusting.

"I have some food in a lunchbox I could give you. Would you like that?" I said nervously, sweating buckets from fear she might eat me. I continue struggling in her coils, still to no avail.

"No dear" She replied, "I want you." I immediately froze up at this statement.

"Like as in a relationship?" I ask, desperately trying to avoid my fate at her jaws.

"You as in meal." Her coils started to lift me into her mouth. I desperately struggle and try to escape.

"Please, let me go! I don't want to be your food!" I scream, but my cries reach nothing but deaf ears. She puts my head into her mouth and starts gulping me down like a plate of noodles. My head enters her stomach, as I start kicking my legs about. I keep hearing loud gulps from her, and I've entered her stomach completely. 

She then burps and says, "Mmm... good meal." I wildly thrash about, trying to make her throw me up so I can escape, but it doesn't work. It only makes her acids rise quicker.

"Let me go! Please!" I continue thrashing about but to no avail.

"Why should I?" She licks her lips and rubs her stomach.

"I don't wanna die!" I reply. I start to fade away due to being digested. My kicks and punches get weaker slowly.

"Too bad, it's already too late, meal." She burps. "'Scuse me, hehe!"

"You monster!" I push through, and thrash a lot, but still to no avail. 

My consciousness is about to fade completely, and then the last words I hear are "Good meal."

I die due to digestion from her acid.


Quite a fate, huh? Digested into nutrients for a lamia. Quite the terrible fate, unless you're into that sort of thing. Anyways, let's see if Phil Cohen has better luck with Harriet the Harpy...

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