Sorry,Skipper Season 5B episode 8 season finale

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*Abigail's Hospital*

*T.V. Break Room*

Skipper-I got fired from Chick-Fil-A.
Chase-That doesn't sound like you to get fired.I'm so sorry.
Skipper-It's fine.Is it okay if I can skip rounds?
Chase-Yeah,go talk to your Mom.

*Skipper leaves*

Mason-I feel so bad for her.
Hayden-Thanks to Isabella.

*Isabella walks in*

Isabella-Why y'all talking about me?
Chase-Why are you here?
Chase-Hayden said that you are the reason why Skipper got fired.
Isabella-Well,it isn't.
Hayden-So,Adam lies?
Isabella-Yes he did,always telling his ugly friends something.

*Isabella leaves*

Mason-I think I should go back to Beacon Hills.
Corki-You can't.You are meant to be here.
Mason-Then I'll stay.
Chase-Time for rounds.

*Corki,Mason,and Hayden leaves*

*Abigail's Office*

Abigail-It's going to be okay.
Skipper-No,it's not.I should have never asked Isabella to come to work with me today.
Abigail-It is not your fault.Isabella is just mean,she gets up from her Dad.
Skipper-You mean you?You did act like Isabella when you was pregnant with her.
Abigail-I did not.

*Skipper looks at Abigail*

Abigail-Shut up.


Chase-Forget about the Ghost Riders.

*Chase looks at his computer*

Chase-Oh crap.
Corki-What's wrong?
Chase-The Board is coming over here tomorrow.
Corki-Who cares?
Chase-Me,I care.
Angel-Oh,because this is your first time as Chief T.V. with The Board being here.
Corki-It's just people judging you.It's like a normal person thing.
Angel-The Board is fine.
Chase-You sure?
Angel-I'm sure.

*what will happen*

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