D R A W I N G the L I N E

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I start going up the stairs into the library. I could see the little room off to the side to the left near the elevator. That room was where I used to do arts and crafts every Monday after school during kindergarten .

I remember it always started right after school at exactly 2:40.

As soon as I was up, I walked around.
I could see the teens section where the tables say '7th to 12th grade.' I remember when I couldn't even step foot in this area.
There were 3 tables each were empty with the same sign.

They had pretty good books in this area. There were mangas, fictional books, teenage romance, comics, and Percy Jackson books that my sister would die for.

My personal favorite in this area would be the mangas and the comics.

I place my bag onto the table and it made a light thud. I then start taking out all of the books and my laptop.

Even though I came to just make a stop by, it wouldn't hurt to do some homework here.
I start heading over to the front desk to return all of my books.

They were mostly just the rest of the assassination classroom mangas and a few Marvel and DC comics.

As soon as they take the books back I head back to the table. But this time the kid from before was at one of the other tables.

As soon as he saw me settling down at the other table I noticed him starting to get up.

You could hear the chair cleaning the floor as he got up. I didn't know if he didn't know how to get up from a chair or if he wanted to piss someone off with annoying noises using a chair.

I see him grab his things and walk over to my table. I thought he just wanted to ask me something and then get the hell away from me.

But no.

This idiot of a man decides to sit across from me at the table. To be honest I think I've seen him here at the library a few times.

" uhm..do you need something?" I murmured.
He announced in a cold but soft voice " No not really. It's just a waste of a table if there's only 1 person there."

" Pretty good answer if I'm honest." I blurted out " But seriously what do you want?"

"your friends with Jamie right? Jamie Cortez?" He claimed.
" I swear if you want me to put in a good word for you to her I won't." I assumed. I thought he wanted to make me help him into getting with her.

" Worth a shot." He laughed.
Just as I thought of course.
" You can leave now." I commented.

"Nah." He sighs " It think I'm good here." As he puts his legs up on the table.

" Are you serious?" I groaned " I'm not packing my stuff just to move to the next table."

" Yeah I wouldn't do that either it's a waste of time." He agreed " Because I'd move with you anyway."

I swear he is just like his dickhead friends.
Pushy little annoying bastards that don't know how to use up there time so they use it on pissing off others.

I can see him put his legs down from the table and lean to the side as if he was getting something.

"Wanna see something cool?" He whispers.
I could tell this guy wanted me to say 'Yes' just to show me something I've already seen or just something absolutely stupid.

" Yeah no I'm good." I replied.
" Such a party pooper." He admitted.
"I don't see no party." I blurted out looking both ways with my hand to my head as if I'm looking for something.

" For a loner you are kind of bitchy." He sighed.
" And for a popular kid your really full of shit." I reply back.

" See what I mean bitchy." He repeated.
     I look at my laptop annoyed checking the time, 4:17 in the afternoon. 
"Listen I don't really know who the hell you are and your really pissing me off." I groaned " And I'm not trying to start some stupid beef with another self absorbed popular kid, but can you fuck off?"

" Woah, okay." He responds " But I'm not really that self absorbed."

" So you are self absorbed." I stated.

" Only met you  a few minutes ago and look at what great information I'm receiving." I taunted.

Library boy Where stories live. Discover now