Chapter 51-60

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Chapter 51 Updated tonight
  The author went to the hospital for examination in the morning and updated in the afternoon.

  (End of this chapter)

Chapter 52 Light Energy Washing Machine

  "Ninth Brother" Baili Lina subconsciously wanted to cover her mouth.

  I called out why the voice is so... so, so unlike me!   It felt like I had invited men to treat

  me even more...

  "Do you like it, baby? You are so beautiful!"   He came out with his daughter-in-law, but when he saw the beauty of his daughter-in-law tickling his heart, he naturally started again...   This is his daughter-in-law, and it will belong to him forever and ever.   Baili Lina closed her eyes gently: "I like it, I like it, do you like me? Do you like me?"   "I like it, like it, I like you the most, I like you the most, but you are me "My dearest love."   "Baby, you are so beautiful, you are so fragrant."   The very seductive fragrance emitted by his daughter-in-law's ice skin and jade bones when he was in love made him fall in love even more. , unable to stop.   ......   When Baili Lina became conscious again, she found that the man was no longer by her side, and it was already bright outside.   The front and rear windows are open, but fortunately, the walls of the courtyard are high enough to give you a sense of security.   Wei Wei got up only to find that the man only covered her with such a thin layer of black-gray pure cotton soft cloth.   Baili Lina blushed, holding back, the pain in her body climbed up.   Only then did I realize that the man had already put all his dry clothes aside, but was tossed like this by him and didn't take a bath, how could Baili Lina stand it?   Pulling on the big bed sheet next to him, wrapping it up, and running to the bathroom with the changed clothes. Okay, this time, I can't forget to get these changed clothes.

  It's already more than ten o'clock at this time, and the weather outside is very good, probably because it rained last night and it was still cool.

  The soft sunshine didn't make Baili Lina worry about what she was encountering?
  It's really refreshing to feel her body when she's staring at it. She hasn't had such a good bath in a long time!
  It's just better if the legs aren't so sore.

  It's daytime, and Baili Lina didn't dare to wear the one she wore last night.

  Put on the long clothes and trousers unique to this era.

  I don't know why people in this era are so conservative, women will be talked about as long as they show their arms.

  Fortunately, the new clothes that Li Haomiao gave her were very soft and breathable, like the kind of cotton and linen material.

  It's just that the color is still black and gray, and it's not really old-fashioned. But what if you don't wear it, this is the case in this era.

  After taking a shower, she came out with this pile of changed clothes, and Baili Lina sat in the small pergola that the man deliberately built in the yard, which was made of scrap wood and had no paint at all, and the small chair with oil to enjoy the cool.

  It's impossible for you to want a recliner these days, and you'd be out of luck if you did.

  My whole body is really sour, but I need to wash my clothes!

  Baili Lina looked at the pile of clothes and went to the group to buy them.

  Because Baili Lina has already learned that the trading system faced by each group of friends is different, and Baili Lina can buy the kind of fully automatic washing machine with the best here.

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