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Namjoon brings water and throws it on his face. He comes in sense but closes his again curling up on the couch.

" I want to sleep. I am.....tired "

Namjoon washes his feet to clean. After one for the medicine, he tied the bandage properly around the soles of his feet.

His breathing process was good and his body temperature was within limits so Namjoon guessed that maybe he hadn't eaten anything or maybe he was beaten and running the long way was the reason he fainted. Then brings a light blanket and covers his half-body.

He needed painkillers and antiseptic injections but right now it seems impossible. Then maybe he can try to in the morning to take them. He looks really tired though.

He checked the time it was 1.05 am. He needs to wait until morning. Yanking in the air he headed to his bedroom and lay down on his stomach. He falls asleep as he closes his eyes.

In the morning when he wakes up to the sound of something falling, he Guesses it coming from the kitchen. So rubbing his eyes and when his vision got clear he went to the kitchen to check.

Before entering he searched for a boy who slept on the couch but when he found him there he thought it must be him. So he rushed to the kitchen.

And there's he. Drinking water from the tap putting his mouth near it with the help of his palm. The water flowing on his lips When he is drinking water, it's flowing from his mouth and soaks his throat then goes down to his chest.

Namjoon is just staring at him. When the boy finished drinking water he turned toward Namjoon. Namjoon gulps his saliva, he feels like his throat is dry then he looks away because he's not a pervert.

He puts the steel glass on the place which was on the floor.

" When you wake up ?"

" Just ten minutes before. Sorry ..... I disturbed your sleep by making the noise ."

So he's not much of an arrogant, he apologized to him. And the fact he woke up before ten minutes means he struggled to come to the kitchen. He must be having trouble walking properly and it's hurting too.

" No, it's okay. I was also thirsty too. "

He left the kitchen and Namjoon drank water then went to where he was, to ask him the questions. He sees the boy wearing his Shirt.

" Umm ... Can you give me shoes or slippers? It hurts when I walk ."

" You sit here. I have extra shoes "

He goes and brings a couple of shoes. It was not expensive but it's a good one.

" I think it will fit....you ."

He offered the shoes and he took and tied them perfectly. Then stood up and looked at him.

" I am sorry for my bad behaviour but I was in a fucking trouble if I have not met they would have killed me. "

" But who were they? And why do they want to kill you? "

The boy doesn't answer his questions and ignores him, he walks to the door and opens it he gets out before saying.

Waste It On Me : Namkook ✓Where stories live. Discover now