Extra part 2

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Ranboo pov:

All the quests had left and we were cleaning up the throne room for tomorow.. I have to sit there for a loooong time.

"Toby.. Did you know I have to sit here most of my days? Now that I'm the king I have more responsibilities" I told Toby.

"I- Well uhmm.. Yea I did know.. But I get to stay with you right? I have to guard you!" Toby asked a little sadly.

"Yeah" I said and smiled at him.

"Will you be okay for a while? I have something to take care of.." The goat said.

"Yeah of course. The other guards are outside the doors" I said and he left.


Toby has been gone for a while now.. I wonder if he got hurt.. No. He's Toby! Of course he wouldn't get hurt!

"Do you know where Toby went?" I asked one of the guard at the doors.

"I do not know sir. He said not to tell you which way he went" the guard said.

I just continued to walk. I went to the library that was right around the corner.

It was huge! There was books and bookshelves everywhere! I sat down on a table and started to read a random book..


"You should go to your room sire, It's getting dark" I heard a noise from the door.

"What do you mean? I just came here?-" I said and stood up.

"No.. Sir, You've been here for hours" The servant said.

"Oh.." I muttered out and walked to my room.

While I was walking I saw Toby freaking out in the hallway.

"Toby!" I yelled and ran to him.

"Oh my god! Where were you?!" He said and hugged me.

"I was at the library.. Was I really gone for that long?" I asked and hugged him back.

"You don't remember? You have been gone for hours!" Toby said and dragged me to the room.

"I- Fell asleep I guess.." I muttered and followed him.

We went to sleep. I wasn't tired.. I just woke up!

"You can't sleep?" Toby asked and ruffled my hair.

"No.. Can I go outside for a bit?.." I asked.

Toby nodded and let go of me. I got up and went to the balcony I had in my room.

It was cold outside.. I shivered slightly.

"It's cold.. You should come back inside" I heard and felt arms wrap around me.

"I'n fine! Go to sleep" I demanded.

"No" Toby said and my feet left the ground.

"No! Put me down!!" I said.

I got carried to my room in bridal style, and further? He carried me out of the room.

"Where are you taking me?!" I asked and tried to get down.

"It's a suprise! Stay still!" Toby said.

We left the castle and walked trough the market. I mean- Toby walked. He wouldn't let me down

Only a minute or two went by as we got to the field we were at earlier. Except now.. It looked much more beautiful.. There were lights and a blanket near the tree. And alliums! Alliums everywhere!

"I was doing this earlier today.. I- Uhmm.. I wanted us to have like a date.. since you won't have a lot of time" Toby stuttered.

I was in shock.. he did this for me?!

"Thank you Toby..I'll always have time for you though" I smiled and gave him a forehead kiss.

We had a nice picnic under the tree. The sky was clear and there was a lot of stars.

I wanted to stay here forever.. with Toby of course..

"I love you Toby.. so so much.." I said and almost fell asleep.

"I love you too Ran" was the last thing I heard.

Good news people! I might continue this! I got some ideas for Ranboo's nightmares and stuff. I'll also add michael somehow if you want!

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