self control

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Kaname Kuran who was sitting against an old oak tree, admired the sliver haired boy in the distance. Zero was leaning against a stone wall with his hands behind his head in a carefree manner, his silver hair sparkling as the sun reflected on his body.

Zero looked Kaname's way and the two made eye contact, before Zero hastily moved his gaze back towards the book in his hands.

Soon, Kaname looked back up and observed the ex-human, he noticed the boy slowly, seductively, remove his school blazer. Kaname continued to appreciate the sight in front of him.

He saw a smirk appear across Zero's face as he started to loosen his red tie and began to unbutton the first three buttons of his white shirt, exposing his pale neck. Kaname smiled to himself and considered the idea of confronting the level-D, but his moment was broken as he moved his gaze towards the young girl skipping towards him.


Zero felt a pair of eyes on him, he looked up to see his least favourite vampire, Kaname sitting not too far away from him, against a tree in the shade. He met the pureblood's gaze, before he looked down at a book in his hand, but before long he felt the same pair of eyes on him.

At first the hunter didn't know how to feel about it. Not long ago had he discovered he had feelings for the pureblood he had sworn to hate. But even after discovering his newfound feelings, he hated himself for neglecting Yuuki and for loving such a despicable beast. However right now, Zero chose to forget the conflicting thoughts that clouded his mind from what he desired.

He liked the attention that the pureblood gave him, ashamed as he was by it. Dragging out each movement he made, the silverette slowly began to remove his blazer, he felt Kaname's eyes on him. He continued to loosen his tie and lifted his neck to show more skin, he felt Kaname's eyes on him. Zero began to unbutton his shirt and was three buttons down, but decided to stop there, he didn't feel the eyes on him anymore.

He looked in Kaname's direction, the brunette wasn't looking at him anymore, instead Yuuki was there, sat in Kaname's lap, he envied her. Suddenly, common sense flooded his mind and Zero found himself disturbed by what he was thinking and began to walk away. Until he a familiar pair of eyes on him again. Zero stopped in his tracks, his back to the purebloods for what felt like forever. Until he heard the high pitched voice that belonged to Yuuki call out for him.

"Zero!!!" she gasped, "Stop standing over there and come over here and sit with us."

He began to hesitantly walk towards the pair, slowly and cautiously.

He walked until he was close enough to them to hold a conversation. Yuuki, still sat in Kaname's lap, smiled sweetly at him. He glared at her, causing her to smile wider. He grunted and looked over to Kaname who sat still, staring at him in provocatively.

"Sit down Kiryu." Kaname said.

Zero obeyed. He moved closer and sat opposite the two on the grass. When he did, Kaname nodded to Zero. The silverette felt an unfamiliar feeling rise in his stomach, and a blush creep up his neck. Zero's gaze met Kaname's eyes, and they made eye contact for what seemed forever. Zero could tell how red his face was becoming and he was the first to look away in embarrassment.

"Um, we better get to class." Yuuki was the first to break the silence.
Kaname cleared his throat, "Yuuki, you go, I need to talk to Zero in private." As Kaname said this Zero visibly tensed up.

"Oh," She looked to the two boys, slightly worried about leaving them. But Kaname's warm smile, reassured her.

"Okay" She smiled, she kissed him on the cheek, and rose from her spot on Kaname's lap and bowed to both boys. "Bye Zero, Bye Kaname." She smiled, as she skipped to class.

Self Control | Kaname Kuran x Zero KiryuuWhere stories live. Discover now