chapter| chapter seven

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THE WAREHOUSE is where all the Sword Gang gathered around each other to talk about the plan of how they was going to put an end to Kruyu madness once and for all. Mia, Naomi & Lala stood in a little circle of their owns as they listened to Cobra and Kohaku speak. 

"It seems like we're all on the same page." Kohaku said as he look around at SWORD, seeing the five gangs come together made Mia smile.

" Did you all hear about the toxic waste?" Masaki asked as him, Hiroto, Cobra, Kohaku & Tsukumo stood in a small circle  together facing the gangs.

" We just heard about it." Muryayama said out loud as he sat on this old tire.

" We can crush Kruyu if we can expose the cover up.  And to do so, we need a statement from the factory director and evidence of what they did, as well as victims."

Mia and her father shared a look towards each other before listening on to the conversation.

" And that's enough to protect SWORD?" Rocky asked as he sat on his bike with a stern look.

" Yes." Kohaku said with a nod as he look at Rocky.

" First, the factory director." Hiroto spoke up now as he held a picture of the man, everyone looked at the picture and studied the old man face hardly.

" He also has the evidence. That's two out of the three things we need."

" Where is he?" Masaki asked as he turned his head to the side to look at Kohaku.

" We know where he is." Takeshi spoke up now and responded.

" We have to find the victim, Smokey is gone." Hiroto said as the Rude Boys all look sad once again thinking about there leader sacrifice to them.

" He was a victim?"  Yamato asked.

" I think I know another victim." Lala said as she stepped forward to the boys, Mia and Naomi stood behind her and nodded.

The girls knew exactly who the victim was already.

" You mean Eri? She should be at the test center. " P asked in almost in remembering the little girl shock.

" Tsukumo, Mia, and Sannoh will go with Lala to find the victim."

Rocky turned his head towards his daughter quick and snatched his shades off.

" Mia." Her father said sternly, the raven head girl turned to look at him with a serious face expression.

" Dad don't worry, I can protect myself as well. And I know Eri needs us the most right now so I have to go." Mia spoke, her father studied her for a minute as if he was going to protest.

But instead just got up off his back and hugged her, the gangs stared at the father and daughter duo in awe.

" Just be careful." Rocky whispered for only her to her, Mia smiled before nodding her head softly.

" We will get the director." Kohaku said with a small smile as he took his eyes off Rocky and Mia.

" Hey, what about us?" Hyuga asked as he laid on his car, staring at Kohaku with almost a bored look.

" Cruh anyone who interferes! This is the final fight."

All the gangs looked at one another before smirking, already knowing this fight was going to mean everything to them. This fight wasn't just for exposure anymore, it was for all the important people they had lost and the pain it caused them. 

𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇 & 𝐋𝐎𝐖 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐄 - Rocky Daughter Where stories live. Discover now