"The Midnight Society" Pt. X🌖

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2nd Semester: January

The first week back-I was so happy to reunite with everyone and ask about their 2 week vacation.

I made sure to stay in contact with both my guys giving as much as of me as I could. Thanks to Devantè, I was now riding up in Snow where I was greeted with Tià's smiling face as we redecorated our new dorm room.

This one was hella better. It was more spacious and we only had to share a bathroom with two other girls from the other side.

She informed me that her and Dal were still cool but was talking to some other guy she knew from way back.

Same rules still applied-long as they were clean they were free to roam around.

Things were going good for the most part but that was only the beginning.

K wouldn't come til later tonight, I missed seeing his silly self. He was patient and understanding which is what I cherished the most about him. Most dudes would've stepped but he stayed.

My phone rang showing De's number as my heart fluttered, I flipped it open and answered.

"You just couldn't wait huh?" I smirked through the phone.

"Hell nooo" he chuckled "I ready to see Ms. C0caine"

"For the last time De her name is Snow" I laughed.

"Eehh Snow cool but I like C0caine better" he teased "I bet she prettier than uh mug too".

"What about me?!" I whined

"Damn even you jealous of ya own car" he smirked "Calm down you know I'm wanna see your pretty self too". I tucked in my bottom lip.

"You didn't tell K did you?" I tilted my head "I want it to be a surprise".

"Naw I didn't TeLl hIM" he mocked "Why ya'll always thinking a nigha be snitchin?".

"Because you do" I snickered "Can't hold water to save your life".

"That's cold Da" he smirked.

"It's facts De" I stated "Where my favorite at?".

"He in here being fuckin junky" he answered "Nigha put that shit on yo side I don't even know why I agreed to share a room with you. Feels like home again".

"Nigha shut up" he grunted "That my girl Da?".

"You already know it" he replied.

"Heeyyy favorite!" He yelled from the other end.

"Hey favorite!!!" I yelled into the bottom of my phone.

"Man ya'll cut that shit out" he sneered "Foe ya'll turn this shit into a quartet". We both laughed ignoring the comment. Dalvin was the only one who knew what was going down since he was the brother and best friend to both.

I had Katià so it was only fair he had Dal to vent to as well.

The three of us didn't establish anything but it was clear as day that we were...together.

"Whatever De" I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever my ass" he said "You pulling up to the dorm or should I?".

"Since you wanna rush somebody you can come over here" I sassed.

"Man aight" he smacked "I see you in about 10. Nigha these ain't my draws!".

"How they ain't?!" asked Dalvin.

"Nigha do it LOOK like I wear purple panties?!" he paused. I laughed closing my phone as I finished unpacking.

De shot me a text that was outside waiting on me. I glee'd making my way down the steps pushing the door as I heading into the parking area.

𝑁𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛 𝐵𝑢𝑡 𝐴 𝑆𝑤𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑇ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔Where stories live. Discover now