Chapter Seven: Escape is Futile

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(A/N: I'm sure you're getting tired of me saying this, but above picture is of Rose. Just imagine her hair a little lighter.)

Ted's POV:

I'm currently locked in Damon's stupid bedroom. I recently decided his new name, at least in my head, would be Dickhead. I figured it perfectly describes his oh so wonderful personality.

When he left me in here, I immediately tried to escape. I checked all the doors and windows, which were locked. Then I looked for food, weapons, or anything I could use to pick the lock. Nothing.

I looked around the room a few more times, hoping to find something new. My hopes deflated, I sighed in defeat and sank down on the couch. There's no way I'm even going to touch that bed. I mean, that's where Dickhead sleeps.

Resigned to my helplessnes, I turned on the TV and watched a random show for a while. But that got boring fast. so I got up and looked in every nook and cranny of Dickhead's room. Still nothing.

Since I had nothing better to do, I started thinking. I realized my mom probably isn't taking care of my cats Polly and Bullet. If they aren't alive by the time I get back, I'll kill her!

Stop worrying, Ted! I told myself. Just take a nap until Dickhead gets back, and you won't think about this stuff anymore. Listening to my own advice, I laid down on the cold leather couch and eventually fell asleep.

* * * * * *

I woke up to cold lips on mine. I immediately jolted awake and sat up, head-butting someone whom I assumed was Dickhead. Dickhead - for it was Dickhead - groaned and held his eye where I hurt him. Oddly, I didn't feel any regret, only fear. What will he do to me now that I've physically hurt him?

Still holding his eye, he looked at me. His expression was angry until he looked at me, then it changed to wonder. "You're . . . not sorry at all for hurting me, are you?" He asked softly, his voice almost a whisper. I probably should've said that I was sorry, but I wasn't, and I'm no liar. So instead, I shook my head.

He laughed. He actually laughed! "I knew there was something special about you. You're the first girl I've ever kidnapped who didn't regret hurting me. You're-"

He was cut off by me blurting out before I could stop myself, "All the girls you kidnap are wimps, then."

"That's what I mean! You have spirit! But you're also warm and kind, and beautiful." He looked at me with lust in his eyes. "Wait. Why weren't you sleeping in the bed?"

I didn't know how to respond. "I just didn't feel comfortable in it," I said with hesitation.

"Why not?" he asked, his voice raised. His eyes seemed to be burning into me.

My patience ran out. I spoke harshly, "Because this is your room, your bed, and your life. Not mine! Meaning I don't belong here. You need to take me home!"

He seemed taken aback by this outburst, but thankfully he didn't explode. All he did was look at me for a long time until he finally said, "Okay."

"What?" I said, unbelieving that he would just let me go.

"I'll let you go in 3 months if you do everything I order you to during that time." He said smugly. I can't do that, and he knew it. But I have to let go of my pride and try, for escape's sake.

"3 months? That's way too long. You couldn't even do that. You could barely do two months. But I'm very sensitive," here I could barely keep from laughing at the very notion. "and you're probably going to make me do horrible things, admit it. So it should really be one month before you let me go, unless you want me to have a panic attack or something. Plus I don't even know that you'll keep your word." I finished confidently.

Dickhead chuckled. "Quite the business woman, aren't you? Alright, I'll decrease the three months to one week less than three months. And if you don't like that, tough s***. You're not in a position to be negotiating. As for if I'll keep my word or not, how can I guarantee that? You'll just have to trust me." He smiled cunningly at the last part.

I looked at him with my eyebrows raised. "A week less is barely even an improvement, and how could I trust you? You kidnapped me! You must have something you can do to prove you'll keep your word. " I said the last sentence as innocently as I could, batting my eyelashes.

He smiled coyly. "Darling, you can't just put on a sweet voice and bat your eyelashes and expect me to do anything you want. Take it or leave it."

Without even thinking, I immediately replied, "I'll take it." I have to do this or I'll never see my family and friends again. Unless, of course, I find another escape route. But that isn't likely.

"Alright babe, let's start this now. First, it's getting late. Come sleep on the bed with me." He sat on the incredibly . . . comfortable looking . . . bed. Focus, Ted. This is for escape.

I slowly walked over and laid down as far away from Dickhead as I could get. Before my eyes closed, I said, "By the way, I'm not your babe."

(A/N: Ok, ok. I know the chapters are pretty short. But don't judge me. If you like the story so far, please vote and comment. It would make my day! = ))

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