Tenth Chapter: Seoul, i'm back.

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-Skip to the next morning-

Soohi packed up her clothes. They all sent her off to the jetty. She bids a farewell to all her neighbourhood and of course her second family. Soohi hugging each of them tightly. Seungyoon gave her a letter and kiss her on her forehead. "Bye! See you soon princess!" said Seungyoon, Seunghoon and Jinwoo. Soohi smile and ready to went back to Seoul, where she came from. On the boat, she took out the letter from her backpack and read it.

*the letter*

"Kim Soowan, stay healthy! We may not seen each other anymore, but anyways, thanks for being my annoying sister. I hope your doing well <3" - Seunghoon

"Gorgeous! You're leaving huh? I will miss you sooooo much!!! I hope i will meet you and Mino again in the future. Anyway, i love you:)" -Seungyoon

"I will be sad when you're gone. I've had no one to called princess anymore, to cry on my shoulder when Seunghoon mad at her, and someone who eats my food well. Thanks for everything, from sad to happy moment you with us. I love you and take care:')" -Jinwoo

*end the letter*

Soohi smile. She looked up on the window, and look at her watch. She got another 15 before she arrived at Seoul.

-skips 15 minutes-

She finally arrived!!! She went down the boat and took her phone out. She typed Mino's number that were given by Seungyoon and called him.

-on the phone-

Mino: Hello?

Soohi: Hey it's me. Soohi...

Mino: What? Wait, are you at Seoul now?

Soohi: Seems like it. Mino, mind you pick me up here. I'm at the coffee shop near the jetty.

Mino: Of course, i'll fetch you there, i will be there on 10 minutes!

Soohi: Okay...

-end on the phone-

Mino started his car engine and went to take Soohi. After he arrived, he found Soohi were waiting for him near the coffee shop. He park his car and went to Soohi. "Hello?" said Mino while tapping Soohi from behind. Soohi were startled. "Oh hey, thanks for..." without finish her word, Mino took her hand and went to his car. Mino open the door and let Soohi in.

As soon they got into the car, Mino turn on the radio. Tonight, Tablo's radio program put on a lot of Big Bang's song since they're making comeback after 3 years. The first song was Bae Bae. Mino sang along to the songa nd even imitate how T.O.P rap in that song. Just by looking at goofy Mino making Soohi crying for laughing to much. "Stop Mino, just drive. Btw, where are we going?" asked Soohi. Mino stopped. "Wonderland friends!" shout Mino. Soohi knew Mino was kidding. "Yahh, seriously, where are we going?" ask Soohi in serious tone. "Eat? I know you are hungry. Since it's already 2:30 p.m, how about we go have a lunch and I send you back home?" asked Mino. Soohi doesn't reply but just nod. Mino slightly smile and continue to drive.

After they had arrived at the restaurant, they start ordering food...


*read the next chapter*

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