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Alanna's POV

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Alanna's POV

My body was cold, shivering against the concrete. The only thing to cover me was my sweatshirt and my underwear.

Lamar raped me last night. His friends or whoever they were watched and the last thing I remembered was passing out. I felt sick to my stomach and it was a struggle to even sit up. My phone was nowhere to be found and I knew that my mom was probably worried sick.

Trying my hardest, I finally completely stood up. My inner thighs burned and my eyes watered, but for some reason, I wasn't even really surprised, and I didn't care as much as I knew I should've. My mental health was so bad that to me this wasn't any match for everything else I've been through.

I limped my way inside of the liquor store, and before I could get to the register to ask the man to do something for, literally anything to help, someone stopped me and grabbed my shoulders.

I flinched and looked up to see Dom standing there shaking his head at me. "Lana what the fuck happened to you, why you crying and all bruised up?"

"Dom! Please help me I was-" Before I could finish, Dom fell to the ground. The fist that was drawing back from his head was Treys. "Trey what the-"

"All night I'm out looking for you and you at the liquor store bruh, should've fucking known"

"No I got my hair done and was walking home babe. Your friend raped me"

"Did he rape you or is that your excuse to say you cheated and fucked the nigga?" How could he say that?

"What the actual fuck Trey? He raped me, why would I lie about that?!"

"Cause he called me and told me your whole little plan. You came onto him, fucked him, and told him you'd tell me you was raped"

"Now Trey really think for a sec... Why the fuck would I do that? Like seriously think for a second! There's bruises all over me, I look like shit and I never came home last night. What the fuck!"

"DONT yell at me, your in no position to say shit to me at all. I was looking for you all night and find you in the liquor store with Dom. What a fucking coincidence huh lil thirsty ass bitch?"

"Your literally so stupid Trey!"

He grabbed me by my ear and pulled me out of the store. "You're not gonna fucking yell at me, get that shit straight now. I know you ain't got a father so you have no guidance so when I beat your ass you not used to it, but I'm not putting up with no shit"

"You wasn't raped, you're lying, okay? If you was raped you wouldn't of been out all night. You woulda came home"

"Trey, I'm tired of explaining things to you. It gets me no where. You promised you wouldn't act like this"

"And you promised to not be a hoe, and here I find you with Dom"

"I was never a hoe, Dom was a coincidental form of help. I've only kissed one person ever and that was you, I only had sex with one person ever and that was you, I only-"

"Stop the lies"

I just stopped talking, I was getting no where. I followed him to his car and sat in the passengers seat, tears flowing down my face, but he didn't care, cause to him I was his hoe ass brainless girlfriend.

"Your moms pissed at you. Very pissed, I already told her what you been doing"

All of a sudden my tears and sadness turned into anger. No way he told my mom all those lies. No fucking way.

"Treylynd, seriously what the fuck is wrong with you! You believe a drug attic pimp over me! I know you're mentally ill but is it seriously that bad..."

Before I could go on he slapped me. I just shut up and looked down at my lap. I didn't even feel like crying like I used to when he hit me, I just took it and sat up looking through the window at Dom and how I saw him walking out the liquor store and shaking his head at me.

"My mental illnesses have nothing to do with anything, so stop that shit"

Driving in my mess of tears, pain, and depression, we finally pulled up in front of his house. I preferred this over going home to have to explain everything to my mom, because I knew it was time for her to know everything. Telling my mom I was a whore was taking it too far.

"Get out and go inside. My moms home, I'm going to see Illiana"

My face fixed in confusion. "What why?" My voice was small and cracked.

"We're both seeing other people right? So get out, I'll see you tomorrow" he kissed my cheek and opened the door.

I got out and just went inside, his mom on the couch watching Family fued while smoking a cigarette. Her attention turned to me in confusion just as I was.

"Girl you look terrible, the fuck happened to you?" Her look of disgust pissed me off. How could she not know?

"Your sons friend raped me, he didn't believe what I told him and hit me. Now he's going to see Iliana. That's what happened"

Her face softened and put out her cigarette. "Sit down girl, we need to talk"

"About what? I don't know what to do anymore Ms. Williams's. Treys ruining my life" tears welled up in my eyes once again, and as much as I didn't want to continuing to cry, I couldn't help it of course.

"Trey is very mentally ill, and on top of that he takes pills and all kind of shit. Everything but his medication. He's had these illnesses since he was 10 years old. He's seen a lot of shit Alanna, now I see he's acting just like his dad"

I wasn't surprised, I already had the feeling." His dad always hit me, treated me like shit, so I'm not trying to excuse what he's doing but he's been born into the abusive, narcissistic, manipulative lifestyle."

"Of course I didn't want him to grow up that way but there's really nothing I could do now. You need to leave him Alanna. I'll have my own personal talk with him but that's all I could do. The rest is on you."

The rest is on me.

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