"You Left Me To Die."

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{ Extra context: Ran and Ranbob have been sneaking from ship to ship since they were children, with their parents nowhere in the picture. They ended up separating while going onto another ship, and when they reunited as adults Ran was the captain of a pirate ship. Ranbob became the quartermaster of said ship, but there were some details about what happened while they were apart that had yet to come to light. }

"Look, I'm sorry. I know what I did was dumb and dangerous, I know I didn't listen to you. I really apologize, little sibling. Please come out of your room, it isn't helping anyone when you stay in there. I know you're mad at me, but, can we just talk it out?" Ran sighed when he finished speaking, staring at the wooden door with his tail slowly lashing. He always did stupid things, but apparently he'd crossed the line this time, receiving the silent treatment from Ranbob. He expected the silence to continue, but he hoped that it wouldn't. His hopes were answered, whether it be good or bad.

"Talk it out...? That's funny. You know, talking needs you to actually listen to what I say." Their voice was almost amused, audible even though it was muffled by the door, but it didn't take a genius to sense the sarcasm. Ran's ears lowered.

"I know. I'm listening know, I promise you. I know you don't like when I do stupid things." The door opened in front of Ran, and his face lit up, but only for a moment before he realized Ranbob's condition. They always looked a little messy, not taking much time to uphold their appearance to a high standard, but right now they were nothing short of a disaster. Not to mention, how their tear scars seemed especially burnt right now...

"I don't care when you do things that are stupid. You have fun and you usually don't get too hurt," Ranbob's voice was emotionless, the eerie sort of monotone that sent a chill down your spine. It was a whisper that crept into your very soul, making sure you would never forget what you were told. Ran wouldn't have admitted it aloud, but he was scared now. He knew better than anyone what Ranbob was capable of when they were angry, and right now they were angrier than ever.

"... You're mad cause you ignored what I told you, then. Which is fair, I mean... It was kind of a -redacted- move of me to leave you alone like that after you specifically told me not to chase the treasure..."

"It's not that either. You really don't get it, do you? Oh... if only you could understand, brother of mine... If only you could see things from my perspective..." Ranbob said with a hum of disapproval, waving their hand in a seemingly random gesture. Speaking with their hands, Ran assumed. 

"Help me see it from your perspective then, please? I really don't understand, and I don't think I'll be able to figure it out. I'm not you, I don't know what you're thinking..." 

"You said it already. You left me alone. After I had told to you not to go do something. You left me alone again. You promised you wouldn't but you did it anyway. Ran, you left me to die, and when I finally started to get over it, you left my by myself again." 

 "What do you mean I left you to die?! I get it, I left you alone, and I'm sorry- but when did I leave you to die!?" 

 "You said you'd come back for me... and you didn't. Do you have any idea what happened when you snuck on that other boat without me? I was twelve, Ran. I was twelve and hiding on a boat I wasn't really supposed to be on, alone. Do you know what happened when they found me, Ran? They tossed me overboard. I don't know how I'm alive, but it's certainly not thanks to you. Now please leave me alone." 

 "... oh my god... Ranbob I didn't know, oh my god, I'm so sorry-" 

 "Ran, I asked you to leave. I don't want to have to execute another traitor. You may not have betrayed the ship, but you've certainly betrayed me."

Ran and Ranbob Pirate AU Angst ThingWhere stories live. Discover now