Caught a cold

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Heyaaa so this is my first story ever! It's a ship from genshin impact, Diluc x Aether. I hope you enjoy and I'll try to update soon! Let's start!

It's a nice morning and Aether wakes up and sees Paimon flying over him.
Hey Aether! Get up! We have to do your commissions!-says Paimon.

Yea.. Just a minute Pai...mon..-said Aether with a sleepy voice.

Paimon couldn't hold it, so she started to hit Aether in the face, gently, when he finally got up, he got dressed quickly, and made breakfast for himself and his little helper.

After all that they leave the Teapot and go to mondstadt, at the adventure guild. They meet Katheryne there and she welcomes them happily.

Hello Paimon and Traveler, are you ready to do your commissions? -said Katheryne.

Yes we are!-said Paimon and Aether.
Great! Well I'll tell you everything!-said Katheryne.

                             Some time later

Alright Paimon ready to go?
Yes! Paimons always ready to travel with Paimons buddy!

After that they walked around Liyue, Mondstadt and Inazuma, they did every commission, but there was one left in Dragonspine.
Aether coudnt do it, he was really tired and had bruises all over him! Paimon wanted to help, but didn't know what to do!
After a long time of thinking Paimon yelled-

Hey Aether! We should ask Master Diluc! He can help! Since he uses a pryo vision he'll warm us up too!

Aether actually liked the idea, so they went to dawn winery. They saw Adelinde outside with the other maids, so they went to her and asked-

Hello Adelinde!-said Aether
Greetings you two!-said the maid.

By any chance do you know where master Diluc might be?-aksed Aether

Hmm..  I thinks he's in the living room laying down on the couch, I don't really know-Adelinde Replied.

Thanks anyways! Bye!
Bye, have a great day!

Aether and Paimon go in the winery look around the living room, but couldn't seem to find Diluc anywhere!
Gaah, Paimon exhausted! Where has master Diluc gone to?!-said paimon.

I don't really know l, but I'm tired I'll lie down on his bed and sleep a while,  you can come and sleep too Paimon!-Said Aether while smiling.

Paimon didn't think much and went in to Dilucs room with Aether.
They both fell asleep.

                                 Few hours later

Gh, finally, I'm home and I can rest!-thought Diluc.
Diluc went in to his room, just to see Aether and Paimon sleeping on his bed.

Huh? What are they doing here?-thought Diluc.
Not gonna lie but Aether is cute...
Diluc took a quick shower and when he came back he saw Aether and Paimon awake, he walked in the room as he said-
Ah~ finally you both are awake!
When Aether saw Diluc and he turned red and covered his eyes and paimons.

Diluc chuckled as he quickly changed while they were still covering their eyes.

So what brings you here traveler?-said Diluc while looking at Aether.

So um, can you help us with something?-said Aether as he looked down nervously.

Yea what is it?-asked Diluc.

Aether was about to say something but paimon was already talking!

So master Diluc! We need your help with a commission in dragonspine and it's so cold there maybe you could warm us up, and help kill some bad guys too!

Diluc looked down, then he looked at the duo and said yes.
After a while they arrived at dragonspine.
Brhhh! It's so cold here!-said Paimon.

well let's do the commission and report back to Katheryne!-said again Aether with a brave smile.

Brhhhh this is so coold!-complained Aether.

Diluc just looked away grabbed Aether and pulled him in into a tight hug then they sat down.

Diluc just looked away grabbed Aether and pulled him in into a tight hug then they sat down

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Aether blushed. And then Paimon starts complaining-hey! What about paimon?! Paimons cold too!
Diluc then smiled and pulled her in too.

After a while Diluc said-
Well let's get going, we don't wanna lose time do we?-said Diluc.

Yeah! Let's goooo!-screamed Paimon with joy.

                   After they did the commission

Gaah! That was hard! But we still did it! All thanks to masters Diluc!-said Aether with a happy voice.

Diluc smiled at Aether and even blushed a little,but then he starts coughing like crazy!

Master Diluc are you okay?!-screamed nervously.

I'm okay Aether, it's just a cold, don't worry about it I'll be fine.-replied Diluc.

You don't look okay! Let's go to my teapot and I'll make you feel better soon!-said Aether and quickly placed his teapot.

Diluc didn't say anything so he went in the teapot with Aether.

After a while now, Diluc was laying in Aethers bed, while Aether himself was making soup for Diluc with Paimon.

When the soup was done the duo went In the room to give food to Diluc.

Hey master Diluc! Do you feel any better? Here! I got you some soup it will help!-said Aether with a worried tone.

I'm fine Aether thanks, and please call me Diluc-Aether blushed after he said that.

When he was done eating soup, Aether checked the time.

Oh my! It's Already night! I need to go to sleep so I'll wake up early and not make Paimon stressed again.. -thought aether.

He called Paimon got her to sleep and then he lied down in the bed with Diluc.

Aether POV:
Gaah! This is so embarrassing! I'm sleeping with hiiim!.. this is the only choice, if anything happens I have to be here. Alright here goes nothing.

He got in the bed all embarrassed when he suddenly fell a touch on his waist.
It was Diluc! Diluc pulled him closer and started snuggling.
Aether chuckled and then smiled as Diluc held his hand.

 Aether chuckled and then smiled as Diluc held his hand

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After all that they both fell asleep.

So this is the end! I will make another part soon!I'll be quick. Well I'll try to be😅 anyway thanks for reading and maybe you can give so ideas too!

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