Quality time

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"Explain" my mom says while standing in my door way "I don't want to talk about it" I say on the verge of tears "oh no we gone talk, you not about to be cutting me out Y/N" my mom says while walking over to my bed "baby please, tell me what's wrong?" She says while sitting down and rubbing my head. I stay silent " ok, I'm going to give you time" she says while getting up and walking out of the door, after she leaves I finally bark down.

Flashback to a couple of hours ago

After the two man beat me Michael comes up to me and says "do you get it now? Because if you don't we will help you get it and if you still don't get it oh it's going to be ugly, see one thing you don't about me Y/N is that I all ways get what I want" he says "and if I done get my way I will come after you, like for instances I come after your family, your mom but the point is if anyone and I mean anyone gets in my way I will kill them, got it?" He says and I nod my head yes "what was that's? Please use your words." Yes I got it" "good" he say's.

Flashback ends

After thinking about that flashback I find myself feeling asleep.

The next day

I get woken up by my phone so I turn my head towards my nightstand where my phone is and grab it and answer the phone without look at the name "hello "hey, can we meet up" yeah, but who is this?" It's Nate" ok umm meet you at your house in 20?" Yeah that fine" ok" then I hung up and then get up to go to the bathroom to get in the shower, after I get out the shower  andput on my clothes and head downstairs, I go to the kitchen to get a water bottle and head out the door.

20 minutes later...

I walk up to Nate's door and knock on it, as I wait I'm thinking to myself like why does he even want to talk? I mean yeah he's my bfs boyfriend and I'm cool with him but we don't have that type of relationship, "Y/N?" oh I'm sorry I was daydreaming" that's coo, come in" he says and I do, we go up to his room and he say's I can sit on his bed if I want even though I never been in his room I do "so what did u want to talk about?" Well Y/B/N has been worried about you" I look down at my shoes "look I'm not trying to be nobody's therapist here but you got to let us know what going on" why do you care? You don't even know me like that to care this much" because your my friend ok, we might not hung out a lot or talk about a lot of thing but I still care for you, now if you don't want to tell me fine I get it but please talk to Y/B/F, ok?" He says "fine" ok..... now that that's settle want to play some 2k?" "Yeah" ok coo but let me tell you now I'm going to kick yo ass" he says while turning on the game "yeah ok we will see" I say.

4 hours later...

"And that's on game" I say beating him for the ninth time "naw naw naw rematch" what do u mean rematch I beat you fair and Square and plus I'm tried, we been doing this for 4 hours aren't you tired of getting yo ass Whooped?" yeah ok you just scared" yeah right but can you give me a ride home I got a lot to do tomorrow" yeah for sure" he says and we leave.

In the car...

"So what got you running away from that ass whooping I was gone give you" he says "first of all what ass whooping because if I can remember right you was the one getting yo ass kicked and second I got to pickup one of my close friends up from the airport" oh ok. After talking for awhile we get to my house and Nate comes to a stop, as I was about to get out he says "we should do this more often, this was fun" yeah I'm down just call me when ever" ok coo, have a good night" you too" I say as I get out and start to walk to my doorstep.

I open the door and take off my shoes then head upstairs, I stop by my moms room and to see that she's not there so I close the door and go into my room, I take off my clothes and get in to something more comfortable and turn on my tv, as I lay in my bed All I can think about is doja and how we got to this point, and I thought about Michael, his the reason why we are at this point and it's nothing I can do about. All of this thinking got me sleepy so I close my eyes and fell to sleep.

Hey guys it's pretty late right now I just got off work so I might upload this today or tomorrow but ye do y'all know who the close friend of Y/N is? I mentioned them I. One of the chapter and they where supposed to been come in the story but I forgot so yeah bye.

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