Chapter 6

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Darwin POV

Sup my name is Darwin and I'm 22 years old. I like to hang out with a lot of my friends just to chill. I met this beautiful girl name Alice along with her pretty baby name Alexia at a hotel while they was having a brunch downstairs. See I'm not like any of these nigga's out here who takes shit fast. But me I'm a mama's boy so don't go all judgmental and shit on me Ight. Just wanna start off as being friends you know taking it slow, one step at a time, not rushing into things. Had learn that from my momma. If yall asking what about my dad, he stop being around us until I was 14.

In my room I was sitting in my swim trunks watching tv for a little bit cus I was gonna head to the pool. I hope not too many at the pool cus I want to relax on my own and not with all these kids and adults running around and stuff. I hope Alice is there tho so I could chill with her while I'm there. I grabbed my towel and slide my feet into my slides and head to the pool. At the pool it was some people there but few were just leaving so it's not much people in there. I spot Alice along with Alexia in one of the lounge chairs went up to her and sat in the lounge chair next to her.

Darwin: hey beautiful * smiles*

Alice: * blushes a little* hi Darwin, what you doing here at the pool?

Darwin: you know I came to relax in my time

Alice: oh.

Darwin: so this pretty little Alexia likes the pool * rubbing her arms*

Alexia: * smiles while giggling*

Darwin: * giggles* awwwe she so cute

Alice: * smiles* thank you

By the time my ass ain't even get in the pool yet and everybody left so it was just the three of us.

Darwin: SO * jumps in the pool* you coming in?

Alice: no thanks.

Darwin: you sure?

Alice: idk if it's safe for the baby to get in this water yet?

Darwin: why?

Alice: cus she's only a few weeks old idk if she ready yet

Darwin: * mumbles* well fuck * getting out the pool* umm Ima go-gco

Alice: well we're gonna go so see you later * leaves the pool*

Darwin: FUCK.

I still ain't even get to know her at all. Maybe it's obvious she's not into me. Maybe I just have to wait some more. Only if she get to know me maybe she'll like me. * sighs* damn. * goes back to hotel room*

Alice POV

I was chilling with my baby lexia just talking to her examining her face. She has trey's nose, eyes, and lips. I feel like she gonna be a girl version of trey as she grows older. I'm glad I got away from all that stress he's been causing me like I'm stress free from him. Maybe he's forgotten about me and just got a new girl. But who care's I don't need nobody right now but my daughter. Trey hasn't been seeing his daughter because I didn't want him to track me down or follow me everywhere I go once I let him see her cus I don't need that stress following me around to everywhere I go. I was heading to the pool just to relax it won't much people there so it's just how I like it. An hour went by and a few people started leaving and Darwin walked in oh great😒. He walked up to me you know it was just small talk nothing really happened. It started to get awkward people left and it was some tension in the room so I had to go. I went back into my room, to guess who I saw.

???: miss me? * smirks*


I didn't even care how she got in my room. But I guess it was because of our cousin who helped her.

???: how you doing sis * hugs her tight*

Alice: omg girl * tears slips out*

???: * tears slips out* Awwe it's been a while I miss you Soo much

Alice: Alize Ive been good all by myself with this pretty baby

Alize: bitch give me my pretty niece * snatches her* what's her name

Alice: Alexia

Alize: Awwe hey Alexia * smiles big*

Alexia: * looking confused*

Alize: Alexia looks confused. Lexi didn't know your mama have a twin sister did she

Alexia: AAHHH AH AHH * crying*

Alize & Alice: she's sleepy

Alize: I'll take her to bed * takes her to bed*

Alice: what's going on Alize?

Alize: * sighs* you know aug still running in and out the house

Alice: you don't think he cheating is he

Alize: girl he has to be I could feel it. He's been Lieing to me cus I've called his manger and he said he only been at the studio one time that was it.

Alice: Wooow he probably is

Alize: yea and we haven't been fucking which irritates me I'm tired of using dildos

Alice: bitch you nasty * laughs*

Alize: stfu it's because he hasn't been with me. But enough about me wbu

Alice: I left trey cus he missed the birth of my child. I've been here for like a couple days . I've met this guy.. Well he met me.

Alize: ohhh is he special * chuckles*

Alice: idk him shut up. His name is Darwin

Alize: is he cute

Alice: he's cute but I don't think I care for him

Alize: bitch bye. Denise wanted me to tell you you have to move out by tomorrow

Alice: umm I don't have no where to go where Ima stay especially with lexia

Alize: come stay with me duh

Alice: I don't wanna ruin your space at home

Alize: Alice you good there's more space with August running out the house most of the time

Alice: no what Ima leave tonite thanks girl.

Alize: no problem.

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