"The Juniper we go to school with?" Ella yelled over the sound of the fan, trying to sound interested. She was at work with her twin sister, Amelia, where they would weave in and out through tables, their hands cramping up, and their knees hurting, four days a week.

"Yeah! And-" Amelia was cut off by the sound of a bell.

"Order out!" their boss, Katherine yelled. Ella grabbed it and took it out to the table that was waiting, almost tripping and falling on her way back.

"As I was saying, she literally ignored me when I asked about it and I mean, Jackson was very clear that it was her. But I don't care much anyways" Amelia continued, clearly annoyed.

"If you say so" Ella said, speed walking to get all of the orders out, "Amelia. Help me. You're just standing in the middle and there's so many orders out." She snapped.

"Eughhhh" Amelia whined as she stomped over to the growing line of plates, pouting. Amelia never wanted to do anything. She always let Ella do it. Saw it as an equal, because golden girl Amelia, would take Ella shopping, and introduce her to random boys. But Ella never wanted that. She was fine with her simple life alone.

"I'm so tired of you Amelia. I don't give a shit about what boys think of me, or what you think. I don't. Okay? I don't want your help, to make friends, or to look better. So just leave me the hell alone and do your job." Ella yelled, entirely fed up.

"Really?" Amelia started, "I don't believe you. Like at all. Last year you would've done anything to hang out with me and my friends. And now you don't want anything to do with us? Bull fucking shit."

"Aye!" Katherine yelled, "Don't swear. Also Ella you can't work more overtime. The state will notice eventually."

"Okay yeah I'm going."

Ella quickly packed up her bag, and shut out the irritating noises leaving her sister's mouth.

"Just leave me alone. Okay?"

"This isn't fair. I have to work alone just because this is the only place you go to like ever."

"Aghhh! Amelia just leave me alone. Okay? I don't give a shit about you. I don't care that you have to work longer today. I don't know why you do."

Back at home, Ella made a quick dinner for her little brother, Oscar, before going up to her bedroom. She fell asleep very fast, and dreamed a strange, but interesting dream about Jackson getting someone pregnant, but time was weird. But waking up wasn't so nice. Her dad was shaking her violently, whispering "go to the car" repetitively.

Disoriented, Ella mumbled, "What?"

Her dad shushed her aggressively and said, "Get Oscar up, then go to the car. Silently."

"Why, what happened?" Ella said groggily.

"This man's after some kid. And he's searching the whole neighborhood for him."

Ella's eyes widened. The school did a blood test a while ago and everyone except her got notes saying they failed it. She ended up lying about it to her parents. Didn't think it was anything. "How do you know it's a him?" she asked, her breath shaking.

"I suppose I don't." Her dad said, "But that's besides the point. Get Oscar, then go to the car. Silently."

Ella nodded, and still confused, but determined, she tiptoed to Oscar's room and grabbed his favorite stuffed animal, Gringott, and some necessities. She gently woke him up and hoisted him onto her waist, not willing to waste the time of making him walk.

Before going to the car, Ella brought Oscar back to her room, and laid him down on her bed while she packed a bag full of clothes, and everything else she could need. Then she took a few photos off her wall and shoved them in the bag. Tiptoeing back downstairs, Ella made it to the car and quietly put Oscar into his car seat.

She buckled him in, and just sat and watched him for a moment. How could a human being look so peaceful? His chest rising and falling so evenly, his eyes unmoving.

But she was shaken from her thoughts when a cold rag was brought to her nose from behind, and she passed out instantly.

Ella woke up laying on a stretcher in a bright room, being prepped for what appeared to be a surgery.

"What?-" Ella struggled and looked down to see her arms and legs strapped down. "What's happening? Where's Oscar?" She asked frantically. The doctors ignored her, and kept doing whatever they were doing. Then one injected something into her arm, and she was out again.

I'm back again with the Natasha fanfic

If you have any ideas for side plotlines that would be wonderful cuz I can only think of so many

Also I don't know how often to update this for you guys so 1 or 2 times a week?

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