Ch - 1

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Y/n's pov
I finished my work at cafe. It's already 11:30 pm. My house is a little far from here but I choose walking through the short cut which is a dark alley. Now I'm passing the alley. I heard a man's screaming voice. I got curious and went there. I saw a handsome man all in black pointing a gun at a man who was kneeling down and saying
Man - I-I'm s-sorry b-boss i-i w-will n-never d-do t-that a-again p-please f-forgive m-me .
??? - For your kind information I don't forgive anyone and yeah it will pain so much.
(then he shot on his right leg and then left leg . The man was screaming by now in pain)
??? - I already told you that it will pain so much then why screaming now.
(then he shot him on right hand and then left hand and lastly on head)
Y/N - Blood never fails to please me!- I said with emotionless face -
??? - Who are you? - he said while pointing gun at me -
I go near him as I was standing 5-6 meters away from him.
Y/N - Who ever am I why does it bothers you ? - while raising my left eyebrow -
But suddenly he pinned me on the wall beside me.
??? - Do you know who am I ?
Y/N - I don't care whoever you are.
- with that I took out my pocket knife from the secret pocket of my bag and pinned him on the wall by putting knife on his neck -

Pocket knife

??? - Mmm, bold girl I like it Then I back away from him putting my knife inside - ??? - Scared of me, I knew it everyone is afraid of me

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??? - Mmm, bold girl I like it
Then I back away from him putting my knife inside -
??? - Scared of me, I knew it everyone is afraid of me.
- he said with a proud smile, even though he was wearing mask I got to know -
Y/N - The whole world can be afraid of you but not me.
??? - Well I'm Kim Taehyung. Nice to meet you.
Y/N - I'm Choi Y/N it's not nice to meet you . If you have a death wish then bother me -i said with an innocent smile - And I'm newly shifted to Seoul.
Tae - Oh so you are new here - with a smirk -
Y/N - it doesn't suits you Mr., it looks like a pig is trying very hard to smile but can't. - while making a disgusting face -
Tae - Babygirl don't try to act savage cuz you are not. - his smirk grew wider -
Y/N - First of all eww you have a bad taste of nicknames and second of all I'm not acting savage I was born savage. - suddenly by my answer he lost his smirk and now I'm satisfied so I smirk proudly -
Y/N - so if you are done can I leave, I'm so tired and I want to sleep, my bed is waiting for me, bye and never see you again.
- with that I started going towards my house

Tae's pov
I was killing this bitch who betrayed me by leaking our information as soon as I killed that bitch I heard a voice which was as sweet as honey which says 'Blood never fails to please me ' I pointed my gun at that girl. Soon I felt my world stopped after seeing her angelic face and I asked her
Tae - who are you?
soon she came near me as she was standing far away from me
- like this our conversation started (sorry author is soo lazy to write that conversation again) and I have to agree that she is bold and savage too -
I saw her going back so I went back to our limo as JK and hyungs were waiting for me. As soon as I reached there I was attacked by Jimin hyung's question.
Jimin - what took you so long Tae?
Tae - Nothing hyung let's go home I'm tired of this shit.
Jin - so everyone get in the limo.
Everyone (except jin) - ok hyung.
The whole ride I was thinking of her that I didn't realize that we were now in front of our house .
JK - HYUNG!!!!
Tae - what the hell kook why are you shouting ?
JK - seriously hyung 😑 I'm calling you from so long and you are not listening.
Tae - Oh ok let's go in, I'm tired.
- we all directly go to our rooms and after getting fresh we all slept before sleeping I was thinking about Y/N and without my knowing I slept -

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