-Part 4-

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It was already the morning and Jake woke up from an actual and nice calming sleep. Mostly everyday he gets a really bad sleep.

Jake just felt great today, he got up and went to zander's room and he expected the door to be closed but surprisingly it's not.

He decided to just walk in and saw zander just in the bed with the egg, Jake is a little shocked that the egg didn't even break because zander was hugging it.

Then he just remembered that this is where he left his phone by accident and he decided to look for it quietly so zander wouldn't wake up.

He found it and checked the time and then realized it was 7:40am and school begins at 8:00, Jake panicked because he bet Drew was waiting for him but he wasn't at home.

Jake tries to wake up zander but he seems like a really big Sleeper, he then just slaps him hard which makes zander wake up.

"Ow, what was that?", Zander sitting down in the bed and jake was just staring

"Dude we have 20 minutes to get up and you are just snoring so loud right", Zander seem offended on that but didn't say anything

"Chill we have time we don't live that far away from school", Jake was still worried about drew because now he may get yelled out now

"Shit.", Jake realized that he had 5 missing calls from drew, he already knew why now he is so dead

"Oh him?, relax he won't do anything", Zander just being positive but jake was just getting worried and worried

"No its not, mainly everyday me and drew walk together to school, he's going to kill me!", jake just walking around in circle with fear

"Look relax just say it was the stupid egg project and you came to my place", Jake then stop and then nodded

Jake decided to just go with the clothes he wore last night since he forgot to bring some before going to zander's place, a couple minutes later zander got dressed up and was bringing jake to the kitchen where hailey was sitting and waiting.

"You two took so damn forever", zander just rolled his eyes and didn't say anything

"Sorry my bad", Jake apologize and hailey just shrug off

"well, here's your damn food and hurry up because we're gonna be late", jake and zander sat down and went eating what hailey made

Honestly, the food was shit but they both didn't say anything or else hailey will just get pissed and ass so they both stay silent.


All three of them were walking from school, hailey was just bragging about how she and her school partner take really good care of the egg. Zander then charmed him and said that Jake and him did better than them.

Both of them were now yelling at each other, normal stuff and Jake just walked and didn't want to say a word, because now he is starting to get worried about how he is going to explain to drew.

Then once they all enter the school, Jake saw Drew in his locker staring at him, looking real pissed and then saw zander and hailey and then really got pissed.

Jake then just suddenly grabbed zander's hand and ran off and said to hailey that he and zander needed to talk about something personal.

"What's wrong??", zander looking confused on why he even is here with jake

"Drew noticed us!, I'm so dead!", Zander just roll his eyes like always and jake was just so worried

"That's why I'm here", jake nodded and zander just wanted to leave already

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