Processing the news

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****Sonny's POV****
Monday December 5th

I watched Sophia and Olivia head towards the door.

"Hey Mike you are in charge.."
Olivia said

"Alright sergeant."
Mike said looking confused

What the hell...I thought

Nick came over to the desk I was at and sat down

"You alright?"
He asked

"Yeah, are you alright?"
I asked

"Yeah. You just look like you're troubled."
Nick said

I let out a deep breath

"Just worried about Sophia besides what happen to us, something seems off."
I said

"Yeah I have to agree. But I know she's strong, and that included you.(Nick put his fist on my arm with a smile) you both are doing great and  you're going to be ok."
Nick said

I smiled and looked down

"You know it's crazy 5 months then we'll be official detectives."
I said

"Yeah and I can tell you-I knew the first day you two was here you both would fit in perfect here."
Nick said

"Yeah, I appreciate that."
I smiled

****Sophia's POV****
Monday December 5th

I was back in the exam room waiting on my tests.
As routine they did STD tests, urine and a blood test for pregnancy, and then we will go from there on an ultrasound.
I'm so thankful Olivia is here with me

"Thank you for being here with me."
I looked at Olivia

"Sophia of course."
Olivia smiled

"I don't know what I'm going to do."
I began to tear up

"Let's take one thing at a time ok."
Olivia said

There was Knocks at the door and in came the doctor April Kepner

I looked at Olivia and took her hand

"Hi Sophia."
She smiled

I smiled

"Ok so as standard we run every test twice, you are clear on the STD tests still which is great. Based on your history and the blood tests and urine tests showed you are in fact 7 weeks pregnant."
April said

I said

I let go of Olivia's hand and wiped the tears falling down my face

"As a precaution I am required to do an ultrasound, and we can discuss options."
April smiled

I said not knowing what else to say

"Ok so I'm going to have you lie on your back and raise your shirt up, You'll feel a cold jelly and I'm going to run it across your stomach."
April said

I smiled

April began to do the ultrasound across my stomach and I watched the screen
I could hear noises

"What's that noise?"
I asked

"That is the baby's heartbeat."
April looked at me and smiled

I instantly burst into tears
Olivia stood up and grabbed my left hand and held it

I looked back at the screen

"The little black area is where the baby is, you won't be able to see much because of the size but that's where the baby would be."
April said

I said through cries

Something printed off and it was pictures of the ultrasound
April helped me clean up and sat me up

"So Sophia, you are at 7 weeks early in your pregnancy, do you know what you are thinking?"
April asked

I looked down
I felt I was too young to have a baby
This baby was conceived out of rape
What will my dad say

Olivia grabbed my hand

I looked up

"I heard heartbeats today of someone that's growing inside me. I was raped 7 weeks ago while my best friend was unconscious on the bed next to me, he had no idea what was going on. I woke up in the hospital, I was found with no clothes. (I wiped my eyes) my life will never be the same but I survived. I don't know where my mom is, and I know what it's like to miss someone. I don't feel like I can have an abortion not that I judge anyone who has, I don't feel like I can do adoption at least not right now. I wanna try to go through with this pregnancy."
I said

I looked at Olivia and she nodded her head and smiled

I looked back at April.

"Sophia I'm proud of you. Although I don't have all the answers or know what to say all the time, but I know to say you are looking great and everything looks great. I can send you in for a referral to get into mercy obgyn, they are wonderful. You'll need to be seen Monday since you'll be at the 8 week mark."
April smiled

I said

April handed me the pictures
"These are for you."
April smiled

I looked down and smiled
I was so emotional

"I'll get everything set up and sent over and be back with your paperwork and next appointment."
April smiled

I said

April walked out of the room and I looked at Olivia

"I hope I'm making the right choice. Will I be able to work at SVU? Will I..."
Olivia cut me off and grabbed my hand

"Sophia, we are here for you and will be here for you every step of the way.It will not affect you being at SVU, at all. It will be ok."
Olivia smiled

I smiled

"My next step is how do I tell my dad?"
I asked

"I have an idea."
Olivia smiled

****Sonny's POV****
Monday December 5th

Sophia never came back to the precinct or Olivia at least not while I was there.
I had a good talk with Nick and it meant a-lot to have a guy to talk too.

I got my phone out to text Sophia

Hope you are doing ok. Missed you at the precinct. Proud of you.

I hit send

I put my phone down and continued to watch TV.

I felt my phone buzz and picked up my phone and seen a message back from Sophia

Thanks Sonny. I'm proud of you too.
I won't be at the precinct the rest of the week
I'm ok but I can't say much else right now
I'll be back next Tuesday
Let's plan to get together sometime next week
Love Sophia

I squinted my eyes

"Love Sophia?"
I said

I called her

Sophia said

"Hey did you send that? I just confused at the love Sophia."
I said confused

"Yeah I just wanted to put that, all on my own."
Sophia said

"Sophia are you ok?"
I asked

"I can't talk right now Sonny but we will talk soon."
Sophia said

I said confused

Sophia hung up

Something is definitely up.

TN to NYC (A Sonny Carisi Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now