chapter 1

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I am standing, on the top of a cliff trembling. There are lots of people around me yelling at me, telling me not to jump, but I don’t want to listen. No body likes me, nobody cares for me, I feel so alone. There is no reason for me to be in this world anymore.

2 weeks ago

I lay in bed with a massive headache wanting it to go away.

My parents died in a car crash when I was only 3, so I live with my aunty. I don’t think my aunty really cares for me much because she’s got her perfect little daughter and doesn’t need me. Though she gives me a place to stay and feeds me, so I guess she’s better than having nothing.

The sun shines through my window into my tiny bedroom. We live in this little apartment just outside of the city, it’s not much but it’s alright. My auntie, my 7-year-old cousin Stephanie and I live here.

“Come on you will be late for school”. My auntie barges into the room.

“I’ve got a bad headache again”, I groan.

“Take a Panadol, you’ll be fine”, She replies. “You’re so weak”.

“I am not weak,” I yell.

“What? I never said that out loud, did I?”

“Well I heard you, so you must have. Get out of my room!” I say yelling at her. She walks out and slams my door behind her. I get up and my head is aching. So I quickly walk down to the kitchen and get a panadol.

Stephanie is sitting at the table eating her cornflakes. She can be nice at times but she is very stuck up and gets whatever she wants.

“Wow! You’re looking ugly today”.

“Excuse me”, I say to Steph.

“What I didn’t say anything”.

“You just called me ugly!” I yell.

“Well I was thinking about how ugly you look in your pajamas, but I never said it out loud”, She replies.

“Yes you did! I heard you!” I say getting angrier.

“No I didn’t!” She yells.

“Yes you did! I scream back.

“What’s going on in here?” My aunty says as she walks in. “Why are you both screaming?”

“She said I called her ugly but I didn’t”, Steph says.

“But you did say it!” I yell.

“Madison, be the more mature one here and leave her alone and go get ready for school” My auntie tells me.

“Fine”, I say and quickly take the panadol and go back to my room.

By now my headache has just gotten worse with all the yelling. I think I am going crazy. Did I just hear Steph say something, but she didn’t really say it. She said she was thinking about it, so maybe she did say it and didn’t realize. It’s not like I read her mind or anything, which would just be ridiculous.

My broken mindWhere stories live. Discover now