chapter 2

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"Crap!" I yell, "I'm going to miss the bus". I have been to busy fighting with my sister and wondering if I am going crazy, to realize what the time is. I run out of the house and run all the way down to the bus stop.

The bus stop is about 3 blocks away. I arrive at the bus stop huffing and puffing because I sprinted the whole way. As i arrive I hear the sounds of a bus driving off and as i catch my breath back, I look up to see that i have missed the bus.

"DAMN IT!" I yell. I run after the bus, but there was no way it would stop for me. Well i was having a terrible day so far. I look up into the sky and at that moment it started raining, ofcourse it starts rsining, just ruin my day even more. "It is officaly the worst morining ever", I think to myself.

I started walking home as the rain was pooring down hard on me, the clouds were grey and it was a dark morning. As I arrive at the front of my house, there he was sitting in his car, my boyfriend. A smile lit up my face and I ran over to him. He openned the door and gave me a big hug.

I hadn't seen him in about a week because he went away with some of his mates, camping. We had been going out for nealy two years now. He is 19 and finished highschool last year and I am still stuck in year 12.Though we still see eachother a lot.

We just stood there in the rain staring into eachothers eyes. It was a perfect moment, one I wanted to last forever.

"How was your camping trip Ethan?" I say after about 2 minutes of just staring at eachtother.

"It was really fun, we had a good time up there."He replied.

"Thats good. I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too babe." He leaned in to kiss me and ofcourse I let him.

" I was suppossed to be at school 10 minutes ago", I say.

"Well we better get you to school then."

We get into his car and drive off. My school is about a 15 minute drive away from my house. We had a nice chat on the way to school about my last week and his last week.

As we arrive i give him a kiss on the cheek and get out.

"Thanks for the picking me up, want to come over after school?" I say.

"It is Friday, you know. We could go out. How about I'll pick you up at 6 and I will give you a surprise date." Ethan replies.

"Great! Can't wait. I love you" I say and shut the car door. He blows me a kiss back and I walk into the school gates.

By now I have dried off a bit and am in a very happy mood. I hope my day at school doesn't ruin how happy I am.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2013 ⏰

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