Chapter 22 - Husband and Wife

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As they reentered the throne room, Scar smirked like an asshole again to keep up the act. "So, how did it go?" The king asked, maybe a little concerned on whether or not Scar acted like a total douche. "It went okay. Okay enough, I guess." The queen whispered something in Catelyn's ear. When Catelyn nodded with a shrug, the queen looked at Scar and Alex with an unfriendly expression.

"Scar, to be clear, you do want to marry Catelyn, correct?" The queen put an emphasis on "want". "Correct, your royal highness." Scar responded. The queen looked at the king and nodded to him, telling him to say the following words: "Prince Scar of the Kingdom of Disease, me and Queen Sarah of the Kingdom of War have accepted your proposal to our daughter, Princess Catelyn." The king frowned as he uttered those words.

Scar and Alex looked ecstatic at eachother. The plan worked. All that was left now was to get married. The king started speaking almost immediately after. "You will stay here for the rest of the week while we plan your marriage, unless you'd like to do it some other time."

"Yes!" Scar yelled, enthusiastically. Then, he gasped and cleared his throat. "My apologies. What I meant was that I am very excited, so I would like to do it as soon as possible. ... Please. ... And thank y-" Alex kicked his calf gently. "Stop. Talking." Alex whispered in his ear quietly. Scar smiled nervously at Alex. Alex shook his head.

"Al-alright!" The queen was surprised, to say the least. "It's settled then. Cate, would you please show Scar and uh... his bodyguard, whatever-his-name-is, the guest rooms, where they will sleep?" "Yes, mother." Catelyn got up to show them their room.

As they were all walking through the hallway, Cate looked behind them, then started speaking. "Hey. Since you two are a couple, do you want one room or two?" "Uh... one, please?" Alex said, questioning his answer. Scar nodded. "Alright. Guess I'll have to tell my parents to ignore it if they hear any moaning." Cate laughed as she guided them in the direction. Scar blushed as Alex laughed with Catelyn.

Cate tried to stop laughing and wiped her tears away. "Sorr- heh. sorry! That was very improper of me to assume things." Scar shook his head. "Ah... it's okay." Alex slowly started to stop laughing. "Please do, Cate." Cate looked at him shocked. Scar elbowed Alex's arm as he whispered loudly, "ALEX! Stop." Alex smirked at Scar with a seductive look. "Hey. Ya never know where the night will lead." Scar ignored Alex with a pout on his face the rest of the walk there.

"Here is the couple's guest room. It is quite small. If you'd like a bigger one, please notify me." Cate said, standing outside the door as Scar and Alex looked around. "This place is bigger than my old house!" Scar, being the prince of Sickness, his royal family didn't have the greatest stuff, considering his kingdom isn't largely admired.

"Oh? Aren't you a prince? Surely your castle is larger than this room?" Cate questioned Scar. Scar remembered that not everyone knows he grew up in a small home. "Ah, yes. However, I didn't grow up in the castle. I was abducted as a child." Cate was confused how he said that so calmly. "Wha-" Cate was cut off by Alex. "Wow! This bathroom is huge too!"

Cate chuckled and started to leave. "Catelyn! Wait!" Scar yelled as he ran to her. "Yes, Scar?" Cate responded. "When are we going to arrange the wedding? And... uh, is there a way we don't have to kiss? You might die if I'm not in love with you." Scar muttered to her. "Ah... I'll see what I can do. After all, I don't wanna die a virgin." Cate laughed as she walked away.

Some time passed, and it was now 18:48. Alex and Scar were called to eat dinner with Cate and her parents. They discussed the marriage: who would plan it, who would attend, who would take care of decorations, etc. It took a while to figure out, but it ended up all falling on Scar's shoulders, and if the ceremony wasn't approved of by the king and the queen, the marriage would be cancelled.

It was a test for Scar. They were trying to see if he was worthy of the title of a king, and worthy of their daughter. He had a lot of pressure on his shoulders, but Alex decided to help in secret. After thirteen days had passed, it was all figured out, and the king and queen agreed. They were impressed that he didn't totally mess up in that short amount of time.

It was eventually time for the wedding, and Scar got a great suit with the help of Alex's fabulous fashion sense. "Looking hot and ready, Darling." Alex joked with him. "Shut up." Scar nudged him in the stomach. "And I know." Scar joked as he pretended to do a hair flip. They walked out to greet the guests.

The wedding went smoothly, as planned. At the end of the night, Catelyn and Scar were officially husband and wife. Turns out, Scar's power doesn't work if one of the two is wearing lipstick or another thing that covers the lips. After a few hours had passed, the guests left and Scar, Alex, Cate, and Juliet (Cate's girlfriend) celebrated in Cate's room.

"FINALLY, my parents will stop nagging me about never getting married!" Cate sighed in relief and excitement. Juliet gasped. "That's right. Cate, you're 21." Alex was shocked too. "Wow. You almost got forced with an arranged marriage." Scar was too excited to sit in the same place. "I got married at 19. That's crazy!" Alex stood up and kissed Scar to shut him up. Alex smiled at him with a calm look on his face. "Shut up, you little asshole. I feel inferior to you now."

Juliet laughed. "Hey, since you two are married, does that mean I'm your side chick, Cate?" Cate laughed too. "Nah, he's the side chick." As everyone laughed and danced to music playing on the stereos in Cate's room, they grew tired, and Alex carried Scar back to the guest room after he fell asleep on Catelyn's couch. They all went to bed that night, feeling very accomplished.

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