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He goes to the kitchen but doesn't have the mood to cook anything or he doesn't want to scare the boy with his terrible cooking so he orders food. He decided to make coffee for both of them. Jungkook will feel better drinking. He Comes out after taking a bath, when he opens the door he first notices clothes on the bed in a bag. He opens the bag, it's a set.

" Jungkook .... Are you there?

Namjoon calls him because he has closed the and both hands are busy holding coffee cups so he can't open the door. Jungkook opens the door in a towel but he doesn't stare at him because he already did in the morning so it's no longer seeing him half naked or shirtless.

" You did like the clothes? It's fine I have other options for you."
Namjoon said as he entered the room and sat on the bed then offered coffee.

Jungkook doesn't say anything.

" You can sit here and drink. You'll feel better ."

Again he doesn't say anything. Namjoon feels awkward. He takes a sip and says.

" The clothes are new. Seems like someone gifted you. I like it "

Oh, he's not a ghost.

" yeah, it's a gift. Yoongi hyung was gifted to me in the new year but never worn. So if you like it you can wear it without hesitation."

When Namjoon turned to look at him, he caught him looking at him. Namjoon smiles but he just looks away.

" Yoongi hyung? who's he? " He asks without any interest.

" My crime partner ." Jungkook looks at him ." I am kidding. He's my Hyung, my best friend and as a professional, he's my partner. We run a restaurant named ' Seoul healthy food restaurant'. " Namjoon once again looks at him but his full attention is on a photo frame on the nightstand. His family photo.

" They're in Ilsan. It has been four months since I haven't visited Ilsan. I miss them so much. I am damn sure you also miss your fam....." Namjoon shuts himself because Jungkook looks like he will cry.

Jungkook puts the cup on the bed and takes the bag.

" I am going to wear the clothes ."

" Hey, you can wear it. I am going out, you can come out when you have put on clothes." Namjoon left. He sits on the couch and waits for food delivery. After five minutes Jungkook comes out, walking carefully. Namjoon gets up noticing him. So Jungkook unwrapped his bandage when he took a bath.

" Why you're walking without slippers? You sit here I will bring it. "

Namjoon brings slippers and a first-aid box with him. The caring boy he is. Jungkook was sitting on the couch. He keeps the slippers near his feet saying

" here".

" Will lay down so I can bandage your wound. It will be easy that way ."
Jungkook was amazed at him. he couldn't believe people were still there like Namjoon who helps without reason or profit. His trust in people was less than in animals. He started to believe that there is no humanity in humans but looking at Namjoon it seems like humanity still exists.

Again without saying anything he lay down flat on the couch and closed his eyes. Namjoon bandaged Jungkook's feet by applying ointment. When the doorbell rang, he opened the door and came inside with food from the delivery boy.

Waste It On Me : Namkook ✓Where stories live. Discover now