1 - A private, first class ride to Paris, babe

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"Wake up Thea, we need to go!" I felt a shove and bright light entered my vision even through my closed eyes. "Our plane leaves at 8 am and I am not missing this flight."

I peeked at Mel and let out a long hard groan which she blissfully ignored, trotting out of the room. Shaking the sleepiness off me the best I could, I stood up and started to gather my things. I'd spent last night packing so I didn't need to do much except change and put everything in the car.

Mel had been blessed with the gift of being a morning person ever since we were kids. She would wake up at 4:30 every morning before school, showing up with perfect, elegant curls and alluring make up. Her clothes were expertly put together, her accessories always matching to the very shade and she always wore the latest Loro Piana shoes. I, on the other hand, usually woke up about twenty minutes before I had to leave due to my incessant nocturnal behaviors. But because of this I had mastered sleeping perfectly still on my back so I could do what little makeup I usually wore the night before. My clothes, though still slightly high end due to my wealthy parents, were usually thrown together quickly. I'd come accustom to sticking with black and a few neutral tones so I wouldn't have to think too hard about anything in the morning.

Damien and Corey were already over, sipping coffee on the table. Mel was double checking her list, frantically talking to herself and pacing around. "Morning sunshine." Corey smirked at me.

"Oh god, coffee." I ignored him and eagerly poured myself a cup and took a long sip. Mel always joked that if I'd have to choose between oxygen and coffee, I'd choose oxygen. Mornings were not my forte. Mel and me were complete opposites but we meshed perfectly. After all, we'd been living together seamlessly for two years now.

"Are you ready? We need to go like now." Mel snapped.

The boys jumped up, clearly scared of what Mel would do if we missed this flight. I kept my mug as we all piled in the car and took the twenty minute drive to the airport. Mel was chatting away with the boys in the back but my mind was still sleeping, thinking about my dreams.

I was in a haze until right before we boarded the plane, everything I did a zombie like motion. But looking at the plane and hearing the thunder of the engine brought a new adrenaline into me.

"I thought you said we were flying Delta?" Mel asked, staring in awe at the tiny plane before us. It looked nothing like the big planes I'd been on times before, or even the private planes I took with my parents whenever I tagged along to one of their business meetings. No, this thing looked old and ... tired.

"Well we kind of are," Damien shrugged. "Uncle Ty works for Delta. It's not that big of a difference, just a smaller plane. Just think of it like a private, first class ride to Paris babe," he put an arm around her but her face remained displeased.

"This is safe right?" I asked as his uncle climbed out of the plane and made his way over to us.

"Of course it's safe!" Damien yelled over the engine. "I've ridden with him like a million times. Trust me it's fine. It'll be faster and we don't have to worry about annoying passengers."

"Hello everyone," his uncle greeted us with a lip sided smile. "Ready for a ride?" His excitement eased my concern a little but I still hesitated to ascend the stairs.

Damien and Corey jumped in the plane excitedly as me and Mel looked at each other wearily. I climbed the steps and stepped into the small plane. Mel went to sit with Damien and I sighed as I sat across from Corey, shuffling my body as far away from him as possible.

Mel had a grand plan that me and Corey were going to fall in love on this trip and practically begged me to come so she'd have another girl to spend time with. Corey was a dick, and he'd been one ever since high school. I nearly screamed when I found out Mel was dating one of his best friends. At least it was Damien and not one of his other bone headed posse members.

"Nice view," Corey smiled at me.

"We haven't taken off yet."

"I wasn't talking about that view."

I rolled my eyes. This was going to be a very long ten hours.

When I looked out the window I felt pleased that I'd decided to come. It felt right. The plane climbed into the air and I looked down at our snobby old money town that had felt like a cage ever since I could remember. "Good riddance New Aster, you shitty little town," I mumbled to myself as it faded through the clouds.

Somewhere around 5 hours in I started to give in and nod off. I'd tried to resist it for as long as I could so I could keep an eye on Corey but my eyes betrayed me as I gazed out onto the open water.


"I think I'm gonna be sick," Mel moaned from her seat, awaking me. Her face was pale and greenish and she clutched a paper bag in her hand looking miserable.

"It's okay, we're only a few hours away now." Damien cooed her and rubbed the back of her ivory sweater with his fingers. "Do you need some water?" He gestured a blue bottle towards her but she just shoved it away, her mouth glued shut in a frown.

I looked out the window, trying to block out the sounds of Mel puking in her bag. Who knows why Damien thought this would be a good idea. Mel got sick the whole day after we went to a theme park three months ago. We were only there for two hours, and I had to spend the rest of my day cleaning vomit off my favorite shirt.

The ocean outside was unending. There wasn't a single piece of land in sight. I imagined myself sinking in the dark blue water, going down down down, never reaching the bottom.

I looked away from the water and closed my eyes. Swimming was the last thing I needed to be thinking of. Mel had her issues with motion and I had my issues with water. I never wanted to swim again. Not after what happened to Michael...

"You okay?" Corey asked me, bringing my attention back to the present. "You're looking a little sick yourself. You're not throw up too are you?" He asked, and not out of concern for me.

"I'm fine." I rolled my eyes and looked back over at Mel who was laying her head in Damien's lap. He rubbed her back gently, and was talking to her softly. I tried to hear what he was saying but the noises of the plane were too loud.

A hard jolt hit the plane and sent everyone slamming into their seatbelts, except Corey, who hadn't been wearing one. He was thrown head first to the front of the plane, hitting hard against the floor.

"Everyone put your seatbelts on, we're going through a bit of rough clouds," Damien's uncle yelled through the speaker.

"A bit?" Corey cursed but managed to make it back to his seat right before another jolt went through the plane.

"Is this normal?" Mel asked, fear all over her face.

I wanted to answer her and say yes, everything is completely fine, but I'd never been on a plane before. Was this normal? Would he the pilot even tell us if it wasn't?

"Don't worry, Tim knows what he's doing," Damien yelled reassuringly at her.

Another jolt. Another. And another.

Red lights started to flash. There was a loud beeping sound that was almost drowned out by the sounds the plane was now making. It turned its nose downward and started going faster. Tim cursed from up front.

We were going down, head first into towards the water. Mel started to scream from her seat. Damien was holding her tightly. Corey made a face of pure terror before his body went limp and his head hung down in his seat.

I looked around the plane, knowing I only had seconds before the plane crashed.

"Life jackets! Under your seats!" I screamed and pulled mine out. I was about to put it on but instead I put one arm through and grabbed Corey's out from under his seat. He may be a bastard but he didn't deserve to die.

I leaned his body forward and put his arms through and clasped it around him. I'd barely had time to glimpse Mel and Damien with theirs on before we collided with the water.

My vision blurred and swirled before going completely black.

(A/N) Okay okay I'm so excited for this story!! I have some super amazing characters and some good plans for them! Stick around for all the action!

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