sleepover part 2

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"Woah you alright?" Gwen says with her eyes wide open "I JUST KISSED ROBIN ON THE CHEEK." I squeal and kicks my legs up and down as i lay on the bed

"WHAT.THE.FUCK, YOU ACTUALLY DID THAT" she says as she squeals with me "I DID I DID AHHHHH"

|robins POV|
She gives me a kiss on the cheek, and i stand there in shock as she runs up the stairs. I touch the cheek she kissed and a grin grows on my face

Cecily blake just kissed me. ME. I never thought in a million years an actual pretty girl would kiss me or ever give me attention like that

I walk up the stairs and before i go into finney's room i hear the girls squealing so i put my ear against gwens door and i hear this

"I JUST KISSED ROBIN ON THE CHEEK." she starts to squeal and i start to blush then i hear gwen respond with "WHAT.THE.FUCK, YOU ACTUALLY DID THAT?"

She begins so squeal too and it makes me giggle quietly then cecily says "I DID I DID AHHHHH"

i smile when i hear her voice, I walk back to finney's room and i see him put on music "oh wassup man! How did it go wi-" i cut him off before he says anything else and i say

"Cecily blake kissed ME on MY cheek" i look over and see finney with his mouth open in shock "SHE WHAT NOW"

I flop onto the bed and cover my red face "it was amazing, But i wanna try kissing her with my mouth" Finney groans and says "dude c'mon thats my sister-" we both laugh and continue to talk about the kiss

|back to cecily's POV|

"I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU DID THAT" gwen yells at me with excitement "I KNOWWW BUT HERE IS THE THING" "TELL ME TELL ME" Gwen says desperately


"O.M.G" Gwen yells back. A couple of minutes pass and i hear the doorbell ring it was the pizza!

Everyone left their room because they also heard the door. I feel robin stare at me as i walk to the door but i brush it off

"The pizza is 15.99" The pizza boy says i grab the money and give it to him. He passes my the pizza and i say "Thank you!" and close the door

I set the pizza on the table and the boys go wild over it. And i mean it. As soon as i set the pizza on the table they went feral

Me and gwen just stand there so confused and look at them weird as they fight for the pizza- robin looks up and nudges finney with his elbow

"they're looking" Robin says through his teeth finney looks up and smiles but he already stuffed pizza in his mouth so me and gwen start laughing

finney giggles and eats properly "Shit this is so good dude" Robin says as he continues to stuff his face

Gwen eats as well and so do i, I finish up and offer robin, Finney, and gwen something to drink

"i'll take a coke if you have any" Robin says and gwen and finney agree with robin so i toss all of them a coke

"imma go to my room real quick" "kk" Finney and gwen say. robin looks at me go up the stairs and follows me

"Hey" robin says and it make me jump because i thought i was alone "Holy shit robin don't creep up on me like that-" I say

"my bad" robin says as he laughs "Is there anything you need robin?" I ask him " I wanted to give you something" He takes something out of his jean pocket and its a bandanna

"come here" Robin says he wraps it around my wrist and look at the ground nervously. He mumbles "D-do you like it?"

"YES!" I say as i run into his chest and give him a hug "Oh shit sorry i didn't mea-" Robin cuts me off before i say anything else and says "Shh hermosa its okay"

He hugs me back and i feel safe, He kisses my head softly and says "Lets go back downstairs before they think we're dead-" i giggle as he opens the door for me

We both walk downstairs and gwen and finney grin "Soooo, What did you guys do up there?" Gwen says "Probably sucking each others faces off" Finney says

I turn red and say "I- NO-" Robin laughs and looks at me. He scans my face for a while until gwen exposes him "Like how my sister looks robin?"

His eyes widen and he turns to gwen "i uhm- uhh-" I burst out laughing and robin says "Whats so funny" He goes behind me and starts to tickle me

i laugh more and say "S-STOP ITT" I continue to laugh and then say "GWEN, FINNEY HELP ME PLEASE-"

They get up but join robin in tickling me "TRAITORS" I say and they start laughing. "OKOK NO MORE PLEASE-" I say out of breath

They stop and we all sit down in the living room and play board games until its time to sleep "Im getting tired a bit" I say as i rub my eyes "Same" Gwen says as she yawns

"imma go get changed into some actual pj's" i say but robin stops me "Wait! I have something for you!" We go upstairs and he gives me one of his hoodies

"but robin this is yours" I say "its okay don't worry about it, try it on!" Robin says. I listen to him and put it on "Its a bit baggy but its cute!" i say while giggling

I look up to see robin observe me "is everything okay?" i ask "Yeah its just..You look really pretty" robin says i blush and thank him

"Okay now im gonna let you change okay?" robin says "thanks" i say. He walks out of the room and i put on a skeleton top with black and white plaid pj pants

I also put on the hoodie robin gave me "I can still smell his cologne" i think to myself and go downstairs and i sit on the couch but i end up falling asleep

I wake up in the middle of the night to see robin carrying me to my room "shit did i wake you up princess?" I shake my head no and respond with "I just wake up randomly i do that sometimes"

He says "Okay just making sure" We enter my room and robin lays me on my bed and tucks me in "Goodnight princess" He kisses me on the forehead before he heads for the door

"wait!" i whisper to him, He looks back and i say nervously "Can you please stay with me?" He smiles and says sure

He takes off his bandanna and changes into his pj pants and leaves his shirt off. He gets into bed with me and asks "Is this okay?" I nod my head and lay down facing him

He puts his arm around my waist scooting me closer to him "Its this okay" He asks again "Mhm<3" "alright good, Now goodnight princess" Robin says while kissing me on the forehead

I snuggle closer to him and then i feel myself slowly drift to sleep in the hands of robin arellano

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