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Ralph's best friend Jay. Ralph was not only Jay’s co host on SDR. But Ralph was Jay’s buddy. His friend to hang out with. They talked nearly everyday. Ralph loved hanging out with Jay. He liked spending time with his friends. Ralph acted like a teenager around Jay. Doing stupid shit and laughing their asses off. Though sometimes through their little fun adventures Ralph would underestimate Jay. Jay was arguably stronger than Ralph. A few times Jay has proven his strength. Jay would sometimes pick Ralph up like a toddler, showing off a little.

“Put me down Jay!”

“Haha, you love it!”

Ralph laughed,

“Alright! J-Just don’t drop me!”

Or holding Ralph down to tickle him mercilisly.

“St-Stop! Jay! Hah!~ Jay I’m s-serious! Okay! Enough! Jay!”

Jay wasn’t very ticklish so when Ralph did try he ended up being held down and squealing for Jay to give up. Of cource with that strength, Ralph did want to do other things as well. Like,

Jay holding him against the bed and fucking him until his ass turned red.

Okay, maybe not that. But they had fun a lot. Jay liked drinking. Most times they went to bars. Ralph liked bars, at least the ones Jay chose. If they didn’t go to bars Jay would often have drinks at his apartment. He would offer Ralph a drink or two. Or they would sit on the rooftop together and watch the sun go down.

Sometimes Ralph would wish that he could sit in Jays lap and make out with him for a few minutes.

Maybe drinking Wasn’t the best idea either. After all Ralph wasn’t necessarily ‘fun’ when he was drunk. Sometimes Ralph would stay over with Jay. Ralph didn’t usually like staying over at other people’s places but Jay made everything nice, and comfortable. His couch was really comfortable.

Ralph would be even more comfortable laying next to Jay, his arms holding Ralph close and falling asleep in his warm embrace.

Ralph needed to get rid of these god awful thoughts.

They were Friends.


Nothing more nothing less. Just,


Friends only...

Friends don’t think like Ralph does...

Friends dont think about things that Ralph thinks about. Friends don't jerk off on the idea of Jay holding him still, making him take all of Jay at once, making him practically moan at the top his lungs and scream his name a
Over and over again in agonizing pleasure, yearning for a finish that would leave him breathless and dizzy for hours.

Friends don’t think like that...Right?

Jay popped his head out on the deck as he chuckled,

“Heya buddy!”

Ralph jumped as he whipped his head around to see Friendly old Jay.

“A-Are you okay? I didn’t mean to startle you.”

Ralph cleared his throat.

“No, No it’s okay. Uhm Jay do you have a few minutes to talk?”

“Yeah why? Something on your mind?”

“Yeah, a lot actually...”

Ralph joked. Jay sat on the bricks next to Ralph as he looked over,

“So, what’s got you so jumpy?”


Ralph rubbed the back of his neck, getting nervous. So much at steak if he told Jay how he really felt.



“I-I think...I might...”

Ralph was stumbling on his words, not wanting to tell him but be truthful at the same time.

“I think I’m gay...F-For you....really badly actually....”

The word practically melted out of Ralphs mouth. His mind racing a mile a minute. The awkward silence was killing him. All he wanted to do was run out and scream at the top of his lungs. He didn’t wanna be here anymore, he knew it was a bad idea from the start.

“W-Wow Ralph...”

Ralph groaned, putting his face in his hands. His stupid worries were just proven. Jay hates his guts.

“Took you long enough...”

Ralph looked over a bit confused.


“I said it took you long enough. I know...”

“You-You do?!”

“Of cource I do Ralph. I-I mean its a bit obvious...With the way you gush about me to people and I mean the whole popping a boner when you see me plus-”

Ralph punched him in the shoulder as Jay chuckled groaning a bit

“S-Sorry just, messing with you. But R-Really I know you do.”

“Wh-When did you know?”

“Y-You tend to uhm, get really skittish around me when I ask you about another girl you fucked, and I mean god forbid I touch your Fuckin' shoulder. I mean you turn so red in the face and If I put my arm around you once for a split second you're quiet as a mouse and you just kinda...check me out a little buddy.”

Now Ralph was thoroughly embarrassed, Jay just called Ralph out on having the biggest boy crush on Jay.

“F-Fuck, I’m so sorry Jay I didn’t mean to-”

Ralph was shut up as he felt Jays lips on his.

Ralph wanted to pull away but at the same time he never wanted to let go. After a few more seconds Jay stood up, letting go from the kiss as he laughed to himself,

“I can cross off kissing a man for real on my bucket list huh?”

Ralph got really red as he nodded. Jay scoffed as he muttered,

“You’re ridiculously adorable...”

“Wh-What?! I-I’m what now?!”

Jay ruffled Ralphs hair a bit as he laughed more. Jay got close to Ralphs face again as he said softly

“I said, you are the most adorable little sucker I’ve ever met. I’m sure you can suck pretty good too...”

Jay kissed his cheek as he walked off hearing Ralph scurry to his feet as he yelled,


fic shots [Ralph Sutton x Jay Oakerson]Where stories live. Discover now