It's Over, Isn't It?

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"Odette? Odette what are you doing out here? Come back inside, she's waiting for you!"

But the figure before him didn't respond, it didn't even seem as if she noticed his presence.

"Odette?" he took a step outside on the patio, a cold shiver ran up his spin. "It's freezing out here; you'll catch your death of cold." Yet, with her back still facing him, his words were clearly not reaching the young woman. She didn't even acknowledge him.

Getting closer, he reached out his hand out to touch Odette on the shoulder. "Odette?"

Odette jerked her body causing the young man to pull back his hand as he realized he startled her, "Odette, are you okay?" he asked again.

The young woman turned to look at her visitor, "I'm sorry, Rothbart." She said reaching her eye with her hand. "I didn't hear you." She said wiping away the side of her face.

Rothbart was taken back; it didn't take one in his position to realize what just had been happening. The red and swollen red eyes were clear that the woman before him had been crying. "Odette?" he spoke up, "What's the matter?"

Odette lowered her gaze; she didn't want anyone to see her like this. "It's nothing, really." She played it off with a faux-smile. "I'm fine."

With eyes that can see clear through the night sky he saw straight through the lie that she tried on him. "There is something clearly bothering you. And on this day of all days, you shouldn't be looking so down. What is the matter?"

But clearly Odette wouldn't have it, as she tried to keep her act up. "No, seriously." She waved off the young man. "I'm fine, I'm perfectly fi-"


Odette nearly leapt out of her skin like a child that caught the glimpse of a beast's glowing eyes in the dark forest. She tried looking at the man, but reflexively she lowered her gaze, away from her friend. She suddenly felt the man's hand touch her shoulder.

"Odette," he spoke like a father unto his scared child. "What's the matter? You are my sister, you can tell me anything."

She raised her head back up facing Rothbart's piercing predator-like gaze. And yet, they were as calming as the moonlight that pierced the black sky. Odette felt ease. This Rothbart was much like his father, like the Rothbart of her story, and yet he was so different. There was a great kindness in his heart that she couldn't help but find comforting.

Though the fear seem to linger, Odette spoke "It's just...I'm scared, Rothbart." She finally admitted. "I am scared of what the future will hold for us. I am scared of what destiny has in for this child in my stomach." She said placing her hands over her slightly swollen belly. "I'm scared and I don't know what to do." Her body was shaking, her own anxiety rattling her down to her core.

Rothbart breathed a sigh of relief, visibly showing that he had been holding his breath in anticipation, his shoulder drooping as all was let free. He smiled softly and spoke "It is scary isn't it? The future I mean." He admitted, "What the unknown has in store for us we will never be prepared for. Tomorrow is something that may never come."

Odetta was taken back; her trembling body shaking so bad it felt like the entire world was quaking around her.

"But," Rothbart said as he moved down onto one knee, "You know what isn't scary?" he said reaching out to take Odetta's quaking hand, "Us," he answered with eyes as cool as the night sky. "As long as you have me, as long as you have Odile, and as long as you have that child that's growing inside you, you will never have to face the unknown alone. We will always be together."

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