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Book Cover:
I'm going to try to say this in the nicest way I can, but the book cover isn't interesting, unique, or informative at all. This initial impression of the book is negative because it lacks appeal, information, and creativity.

I suggest you find a book cover shop on this app. There are so many different kinds of cover shops out there that you are sure to find one that fits all of your needs.

Book Title:
The title, on the other hand, completely contradicts the cover in every conceivable way. It's interesting and creative. I mean, I don't really understand it as much, but it's the good kind of confusion, one where I'd be compelled to find out rather than irritated.

It sounds so pretty, you'd just want to learn more about it.

On a last note for the cover, the text itself is a bit illegible and blurry. I have no idea what the above words say.

Story Tags:
Flawless in their amount and the level of their effectiveness, of how informative they are, of course.

Story Description:
The story description is insanely intriguing and beautifully written. The metaphors and analogies are so perfect that I'm obsessed with the description alone. It's like a poem, each line gracefully flowing into the other.

I don't get the "never-ending end of new beginnings," though. Would you mind explaining that?

This is too good, though. I'm definitely going to copy and paste it into my notes app as a quote. 🤭🤭

I like the disclaimers, there is a fair amount of them and you can't possibly be blamed for anything as they are so straightforward.


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The book was introduced very well, especially in the foreword, but as for chapter one, I sadly cannot say the same.

Chapter One was confusing at the beginning and didn't offer much information at all. The only way I figured out what was going on was when I read a couple of paragraphs below. I don't suggest you do this. You should keep the reader informed at all times as long as they should be.

I'm not saying warn them of all the plot twists, all I'm saying is to keep us in the light when we need to be; when you're just going to explain yourself a few paragraphs down, you know?

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