It's Nothing

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This is Jackie ^ :)

Jackie was now my ride to school. I've told her repeatedly that I do not need a ride and that I was perfectly content with walking, but she was not having it.
I was looking out the window, watching the trees fly by as we rode to school. What I would give to have a lovely nature walk. But of course that wouldn't happen.

Jackie pulls into the school and finds a parking spot. She leaps out.

"Hey Trina I gotta go to my math class early. I've gotta make up some homework I didn't do," she rolls her eyes and I smirk. "That's what you get for not doing it on time." I say in a sing songy voice. She rolls her eyes playfully. "Whatever, I'll see you in English!" I wave as she runs off. I grab my bag and my textbook and begin walking towards the school building.

I noticed while entering the school that it was pretty empty, but there was still 20 minutes before school started.

I went to turn a corner when my feet decided to betray me, and I stumble, dropping my textbook and papers fly everywhere. I sigh and begin picking up the papers, when it notice someone walk over helping me. I look up to see who it was.


He hands me the papers and textbook while I stand up. "Are you okay?" He asks. I look at him, his face emotionless, but I swear I see a hint of concern in his green eyes. I nod. "Yes, thank you." He looks me up and down. "So you're the new girl right? Katrina I believe you're name is?" I nod. He smirks, "well my name's Cade."

"I know." I say before I can stop myself. His brow creases.

"How'd you know?"

I sigh. "I've heard about you." Raising an eyebrow, he says "and what exactly have you heard?" Oh you know just the fact that you're the biggest man whore in school who doesn't care about anyone but yourself.

Before I could answer I was interrupted by the bell. I give a tight smile. "I've gotta go to class." I go to walk around him, but he grabs my arm gently.

Tingles fly through my body like sparklers on the Fourth of July. He immediately lets my arm go, his brow creasing again. "See you around, Katrina." He mumbles before walking off.

What the hell was that?


I walk into English and take a seat beside of Jackie. She smiles at me. "What took you so long?" I shrug. "I dropped my book in the hallway, and my papers went everywhere." She nods. "Been there done that." I give her a small smile and turn my attention to the window next to me. I rub my hand over the part of my arm where Cade had grabbed me. I swear I can still feel the tingles he gave me.

But what were they?

The day went by incredibly slow. The only thing remotely interesting that happened other than this mornings events was that we were given an assignment in my music class to perform at the end of the week.

The bell rings, signaling the end of school. I grab my bag and textbook and head out the door and out to the parking lot. As I make my way to Jackie's car, I hear the same giggling as I did the days before. I look over to see Cade staring intently at me, while Stacy tries to get his attention. She follows his gaze and when her eyes meet mine, she glares at me angrily. I blush slightly at Cade's obvious staring, and walk over to Jackie's dark blue Porsche. Unfortunately I beat her here, so I have to wait. I can feel a certain someone's eyes burning holes in the back of my head.

After what seems like forever, Jackie makes her way over to me. "Hey sorry it took me so long, I needed clarification on our assignment." She wiggles her eyebrows at me, and I roll my eyes. "Of course you would." She smirks, then her eyes land on something, or someone, behind me. I turn to see Cade still staring over here, but his gaze moved to Jackie. I look back at Jackie to see that she's glaring at him. After a few seconds she looks at me and smiles. "You ready to go home?"

I just look at her for a second. "Sure."

I put my bag onto the floor board and jump in. As soon as Jackie shuts her door I begin questioning her.

"So what was all that about?" I ask, gesturing nonchalantly over to Cade, who's now getting in his car leaving a very angry looking Stacy to stomp over to her own car. Her face suddenly hardens, and gets serious.

"It's nothing. Don't worry about it."

Jackie drops me off at my house, and I wave as she drives off. I walk up my driveway, realizing that I'm the only one here. I take out my keys and unlock my door. I walk inside, re locking the door behind me, and head upstairs to work on homework.


After eating dinner and endless amounts of worksheets, I'm finally done for the night. I look over at my clock, 9:47.
'Might as well call it an early night,' I thought to myself as I was yawning.

I go over to my dresser and pull out a pair of blue sofee shorts and a baggy t shirt. I shower and get dressed, throwing my hair up into a bun. I don't bother washing it at nights, because I'll have to rewash it again in the morning and it's just a waste of shampoo.

I cut my light off and walk over to my curtains and open them, letting the moonlight engulf my room. I smile as my hand runs over my wrist with my mark.

I walk over to my bed and get snuggled in under the covers, when a loud howling erupts from the night. My eyes fly back open and I sit up. I hear another loud howling, and I stand and walk over to the window and look outside. My house is completely surrounded by woods, and considering it's so dark it's hard to make out anything. I hear loud whimpers coming from the woods.

Why are wolves so close to the house? 'That's a bit concerning,' I thought. I shrug to myself and head back over to my bed, and let the darkness sweep over me.

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