The cover is confusing since it's not Amane and Tsukasa, because I made that cover like that since they're reincarnated. Anyways, on to the story preview:
This takes place after Hanako and Yashiro defeated Tsukasa. After Tsukasa's seal was taken by...
Is this a date or just a bro hang out? Let's see what it is... Enjoy.
Takahiro's Pov:
Okay I take it back when I said that there is no worry for tomorrow. Because I'm in panic what to wear now! I know I said it's not a date but.... I CAN'T BELIEVE A HANG OUT WITH AKIO IS GOOD ENOUGH TO MAKE ME PANIC! I mean- I know this should be normal since I've hang out once with Akihito but..... HANGING OUT WITH AKIO DRIVES ME CRAZY THAT I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO WEAR! I can't believe I made this such a crisis just to make myself look good for him. Oh T^T
But I can't panic and should just find something to wear or else I'm going to be late. It was 9:20 and 10 minutes left so I should find some clothes to wear quick. I know I should wear casual but.... I feel that wasn't good enough for it. Now Anyways, I was having here a little crisis until Mom passed by and saw me. She saw the mess in my room so she came in and ask me what's up.
"I'm hanging out with my friend today but I don't know what to wear," I explained to Mom.
Mom thought It was a date since I was in a crisis on what to wear. And that the friend I mentioned was a girl. Did I tell you that my family is homophobic?
"Oh, is this why you have clothes messed around your room? Well don't worry my little munchkins, Mommy here will make you shine bright as a superstar. Enough to make your friend stunned speechless!"
"Please don't go overboard Mom, it's not a date."
"Okay Honey~" Mom said like what I said is a lie.
And so, after many clothes I have taken, I went to XXXX 10 minutes late and I am worried that Akio was upset that I had to keep him waiting. Not that he has that side from what I know but who knows? There might be one cause not all cute people gotta stay cute, there might be deadly sides inside of them too. But anyways, I ran there as fast as I could, and I saw Akio standing, and not gonna lie he is kinda cute with that outfit.
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(Imagine that as Amane/Akio wearing that outfit)
"Oh there you are Takahiro-kun, you look good in that outfit!"
"Thanks.... Akio..... You look cute- I mean... Good too in that outfit."