Chapter three

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Here is part three! Im really hoping it goes well!

All credit for this idea goes to fellow wattpad writer @alt-ziam !!!


Zayn Malik was not a morning person. He didn't like to wake at the break of dawn and watch the sunrise and drink coffee in the cool morning air. In fact, Zayn so despised mornings that he wouldn't even get up until the afternoon of he had the option.

But today, although it was saturday, Zayn found his eyes opening at 9:30 in the morning. He couldn't feel sunlight burning at his cheeks like any other day when he woke up past noon, but instead woke to rain pelting heavily at the roof and a meek darkness filling the room. Zayn groaned as he glanced at the blinking alarm clock...9:32!

Blinking a few times and rubbing over his eyes with his fists, Zayn looked at the clock a second time. Still 9:32.

Upset about being up so early due simply to rain, Zayn rolled over in his bed and wrapped his arms around the warm body-

Zayn's eyes went horribly wide and his mouth formed and O when he realized, there was a warm body laying next to him in his bed, and that was definitely not normal. And the panic set in, Zayn looking away from the softly breathing figure to clear his mind.

Had he gone to the club last night and brought whoever it was home?

Was it a dream?

Maybe he had been in a coma for a year and had amnesia?

Of course, Zayn couldn't make himself believe any of these things as he scrubbed his hands over his scruff covered jaw and breathed out heavily. He could remember almost specifically what had happened the night before. He had just gone home from the restaurant and gotten into bed, nothing out of the ordinary.

But Zayn had to let it go. His first priority was to find out exactly who was sleeping in his bed.

From behind, where all Zayn could see of the person in his bed, was a head of short buzzed hair, only a bit longer on the top where it was messy-so it was a boy. He looked to be sleeping peacefully and Zayn decided to get out of bed to get a better look at the mysterious boy. So that's what he did, slowly slipping his bare legs from beneath the covers before standing up in just his boxers. Shivering from the cool air infiltrating his room, Zayn pulled on a pair of sweatpants crumpled in a pile by the side of his bed, and a wrinkly blue tee-shirt he found next to it.

The raven haired lad crept around the edge of the bed in the dim morning light, tripping over clothing on his floor several times before making it to the other side of the bed.

Upon looking at the face of the boy in his bed, Zayn was beyond belief shocked. The peaceful face of the sleeping boy was not just another one in the crowd.

It was Liam.

Zayn's Liam. The Liam that Zayn was in love with. The Liam Zayn created himself.

Zayn had to turn around and face the window, stepping a few steps back from the bed. This was too much to take in.

There was no possible way that something purely of your own imagination can simply alive. This troubled Zayn greatly. Had he been living his life a lie and Liam actually existed? That couldn't be it.

And so Zayn turned around again, facing the boy, hoping maybe his own eyes had deceived him. But even as Zayn faced the soft looking lad; it was the same face that he had loved for many years and it was even prettier in person. His cheeks had a little stubble covering them and his rosy full bottom lip was just a bit chapped as it stuck out naturally.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2015 ⏰

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